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Best choke for sbe 2 using remington express double 00 3.5


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Depends what you are shooting and the ranges involved. Back when I hunted geese up in Canada, we'd burn a couple hundred rounds of 3.5" of between 2's and 000 each season. On my HK SBE, I mostly used the factory chokes as they patterned great. A friend of mine with a SBE II used a ported extended choke but he said it was for the recoil reduction, not any real change in pattern. I will say those extremely high angled shot (nearly up) really smart on the collar bone/top of shoulder area so maybe he was on to something.

Patterning 3.5" shells isn't much fun, but it will tell you a lot of what you need to know. Oddly, I've had some of the bigger shot shoot tighter groups through more open chokes. I guess it doesn't deform the shot as much maybe. I do have an old extended extra full choke for Turkey but haven't really used it much as the factory setup works just fine.

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