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Light loads in SBEII


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I have experienced my SBEII to not cycle Winchester AA Heavy Sporting Loads while shooting sporting clays. It has less then 100 rounds total shot through it. Can I expect this problem to get better as I shoot more rounds through it? Or is there something that I have to do to the gun as I would like to have the option of shooting the lighter loads (outside of heavy waterfowl loads) through it.





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I have an SBE II, but have had no problems whatsoever with cycling any loads. I've shot approx. 100 rounds of 7/8 ounce Rem field loads through it and another 50 or so of 2-3/4 thru 3.5 steel.......with no gliches, none. Don't understand the problems people are having, each situation seems to be so drastically different from the other.

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Originally posted by EFLOYD:

I have an SBE II, but have had no problems whatsoever with cycling any loads. I've shot approx. 100 rounds of 7/8 ounce Rem field loads through it and another 50 or so of 2-3/4 thru 3.5 steel.......with no gliches, none. Don't understand the problems people are having, each situation seems to be so drastically different from the other.

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I should add, with the SBEII, I put 50 shells of 3" and 50 shells of 3 1/2" just to make sure the gun performed correctly. I used the following:


50 shells of Winchester Supreme Double X Magnum Turkey Loads 3” with Max Dr. Eq. At 2 Oz.


50 shells of Winchester Supreme Double X Magnum Turkey Loads 3 1/2" with Max. Dr. at 2 1/4 Oz.

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i have shot


3.5 drylocks

3.5 estates

3" estates

3" kents

3" B&P

3" win xpert HV

2-3/4 rem sportsmen

2-3/4 win xpert

2-3/4 win AASC


all with no problem. the only thing that didn't cycle were 7/8 oz. win SS.


Hopefully it just needs to be broken in more.

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Heres a theory for you:

I was letting a friiend's son try firing my SBEII the other day and since he's a little guy let him fie it with a 1oz load from the hip. I had fired these rounds all day without problem but with him (90 lbs) the gun would not cycle. So I tried holding it very loosely at the hip and sue enough it would not cycle as well. Planted in the shoulder firmly cycles well HMmmmmm.....

The ability to cycle is based on the recoil either no recoil( the gun against a brick wall ) or to much back motion ( the very light hunter) and poof no cycle. I woulder if a recoil rection unit would help

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