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comfortech or non-comfortech difference?

Tim SBE 2

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I have a sbe 2 non-comfortech. I was wanting to know if the difference in felt re-coil is enough of a difference to spend the money to upgrade to a comfortech model?


Night and day my friend. I had an M1 that I shot turkeys and pheasants with and then sold it to get a M2 for just turkey hunting. I bought the pistol grip version and after shooting some 3"turkey loads, it felt as if I called Mike Tyson a sissy. I seriously thought I fractured my cheek bone. I had to pony up another $150 bucks to get the comfortech stock. Having the jell cheek pad and recoil reducement system, it makes shooting 3" loads enjoyable. Definately worth the upgrade!....DREW

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I have a sbe 2 non-comfortech. I was wanting to know if the difference in felt re-coil is enough of a difference to spend the money to upgrade to a comfortech model?


That's pretty much your call.


I can't say I notice much of a difference, but unless I'm at the patterning board, I don't notice recoil much in general.


It might be worth installing a X-Coil or Limbsaver on the non-CT SBE II though.


mudhen - CA

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I agree with Mudhen. A good pad will help you about as much and would be cheaper unless you are having some issues with face slap. If so, the softer comb will definately be a benefit. Have you adjusted your gun with the shims?

A proper gun fit will will help. However 3" and 3 1/2" are what they are.

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I shot an SEB II with Comfortech and a nova without comfortech. Unless I was holding the gun wrong when I shot it, I thought the SBE kicked harder then my nova, using the same exact round. I do like the gel pad for the cheek though, I've been slapped in the face with a 10 gauge browning with the hardwood stock, and it ain't pleasant.

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