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barrel jump


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i have a SBE 2 with a slug barrel and scope. here's my problem. last deer season i was shooting 1.25 oz. rem. buck hammers (2 3/4") slugs. i was getting alot of muzzel jump from the gun and haveing trouble staying on target. i'm thinking of changeing to a sims recoil pad and haveing the barrel ported to try to tame it down some. anybody else ever have trouble getting use to there SBE 2's with slugs? i am far from a beginner when it comes to slug hunting however last year was the 1st year for my benelli, previous years have been with my 11-87 and a scope sighted hastings barrel. the gas action of that gun was nice but i really want to use the benelli with all the money i have in it i'd hate to leave it at home.......

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i have a SBE 2 with a slug barrel and scope. here's my problem. last deer season i was shooting 1.25 oz. rem. buck hammers (2 3/4") slugs. i was getting alot of muzzel jump from the gun and haveing trouble staying on target. i'm thinking of changeing to a sims recoil pad and haveing the barrel ported to try to tame it down some. anybody else ever have trouble getting use to there SBE 2's with slugs? i am far from a beginner when it comes to slug hunting however last year was the 1st year for my benelli, previous years have been with my 11-87 and a scope sighted hastings barrel. the gas action of that gun was nice but i really want to use the benelli with all the money i have in it i'd hate to leave it at home.......

So your patterns were how big? For a seasoned shotgunner you should have had knowledge of the recoil of a Inertia shotgun unless you believed all those commercials? So what kinda slug barell ya talking about for the SBE II? Lotta people on the Turkey forum have some good info on optics on SBEII's? I feel porting it will not help but would it be worth the extra money? Is this a rifled slug barell or smooth and what kinda scope have ya put on it? People have a hard time helping without all the INFO! ? http://www.winchester.com/products/newitems/whatsnewcontent.aspx?productid=52 ?

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Welcome to the forums!


Please feel free to ignore the above rant about your knowledge and abilities. We're trying to get a dosage increase, but it isn't easy:rolleyes:.


While porting would certainly help with the muzzle jump, I'd recommend trying a mercury recoil reducer from C&H first.



They make a model that replaces the barrel nut, and that would put the weight exactly where you want it to be.


If that still weren't enough, then you could consider porting in addition to the mercury reducer.


The sims pads for the SBEII's haven't gotten the greatest of reviews on here, but that's mostly due to the cheesy mounting plate. The pad itself is excellent.

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So your patterns were how big?


Completely irrelevant question.


For a seasoned shotgunner you should have had knowledge of the recoil of a Inertia shotgun unless you believed all those commercials?


Not even a question, but just as irrelevant. What's the point of this statement with a question mark on the end of it?


So what kinda slug barell ya talking about for the SBE II?


Once again... Hello? We're over here, in right field.


Lotta people on the Turkey forum have some good info on optics on SBEII's?


I'd be interested to know how optics would serve to lessen muzzle jump.


Is this a rifled slug barell or smooth and what kinda scope have ya put on it? People have a hard time helping without all the INFO!


You might try actually reading and comprehending the information already given before making such a statement. I found the question to be easily understood and fairly well crafted.


HOGWILD, please try to give your rapid-fire answers more thought, and try to be a little less acidic. People are coming here looking for answers. if they wanted abuse, they'd call their mother-in-law. :rolleyes:

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thank you tucker....as for hogwild the barrel it's the benelli made barrel wasn't aware of any aftermarket ones out there. it is fully riffled. when shooting from a rest at 100 yards it will shoot apx. 2" group. not sure what you meant by pattern???...as for being a seasoned shotgunner since my part of iowa has been a shotgun only i guess after 25 years of useing one i should be seasoned if i could figure out how to attach a pic. i'd let you make the call on my abilitys.

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i have a SBE 2 with a slug barrel and scope. here's my problem. last deer season i was shooting 1.25 oz. rem. buck hammers (2 3/4") slugs. i was getting alot of muzzel jump from the gun and haveing trouble staying on target. i'm thinking of changeing to a sims recoil pad and haveing the barrel ported to try to tame it down some. anybody else ever have trouble getting use to there SBE 2's with slugs? i am far from a beginner when it comes to slug hunting however last year was the 1st year for my benelli, previous years have been with my 11-87 and a scope sighted hastings barrel. the gas action of that gun was nice but i really want to use the benelli with all the money i have in it i'd hate to leave it at home.......


Interesting post.


Iowa is the bomb for deer. I've been hunting there for many years. This year will be a late season ML hunt for me in Zone 3.


Sure, porting will help. Keep the ports clean though as they can get clogged with plastic. My ported choke tubes get clogged with plastic from the wads.


Sure, the Limbersaver will help. It will help alot. Nice and wide. Works great. I hate the design of the adapter, so I have no use for it during waterfowl season when I'm tearing down the gun after each dunking. But for a slug gun, it should be fine. I've seen several blow up on slug guns, so keep the receipt so you can return to them for replacement.


How far do you normally shoot? The reason I ask is that the Buckhammer is really a short range slug. It pretty much flys straight using it's stabilizer and takes little advantage of the rifled barrel's rifling.


That being said, I have shot a few deer with the Buckhammer and my SBE I slug gun, and the combination works fine. I like the Buckhammers. The make nice round holes in the deer and just about knock them off the ground at close range. Kicks like a mother though.


But I've also found many other loads that are far superior to the Buckhammer past that range where it really doesn't matter what you are shooting. Any slug will kill at 50-75 yards, even 100. I like my slugs to work out to 150 and maybe a bit beyond.


I've tested maybe a dozen saboted slugs, and the clear winner in my SBE I slug gun is the Winchester Platinum Tip. Just a tad slower than the Partition Gold and I have found that slight difference to make all the difference in the world in how well I can control the gun. It is a very flat shooting controllable combination for me.

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mudhen....thank you for your reply. i really do like the buckhammer slugs but been thinking of trying others to help with my problem. in my 11-87 i have had 2 kills in the range of 125 yards and the rest of them were much closer. you're right about how they nock down about anything they hit. with the number of deer we have and the extra tags i can get i do alot of shooting each year and the cost of the buckhammer makes it a little more afordable to shoot over the other sobots on the market.

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2" groups at 100yds will put steak on the table, Hornaday has a thumper in its lineup that supposed to be accurate out pass 100 yds. Porting is above 150.00 bucks and for what it does i would just use a ported tube and the limbsaver. kinda hard to keep a light shotgun from jumping with those thumpers in it no matter which one ya shoot. Seems to me i would be happy with a 2" pattern at 100 Yds, Hornadays would probably get ya out a bit further with more accuracy and yes it will kick like a mule but how many rounds ya need to get on paper and vitals 5 to 10?

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the problem is not the groups off a rest but when shooting off hand out of a treestand is when it becomes hard to control. with a fully rifled barrel i don't have the ported choke tube option. angleporting is $85.00 to have done. i've been in contact with them and i think thats the direction i'm headed.

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the problem is not the groups off a rest but when shooting off hand out of a treestand is when it becomes hard to control. with a fully rifled barrel i don't have the ported choke tube option. angleporting is $85.00 to have done. i've been in contact with them and i think thats the direction i'm headed.

Hey no disrespect intended in earlier post, good luck with your SBEII and give the Hornaday SST's a shot, they are worth the $$$. http://www.nrapublications.org/TAH/Slugs.asp The light shotgun is the monster along with the inertia system but Scott could correct me here if i am too acidic or maybe he could do it after his cylce is over:rolleyes: How is the SBEII causing problems on the freehand shots, recoil? If porting is that cheap go for it i am sure it could improve it and have no idea how much improvement you will get but i guess any would help!:D

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