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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/19/22 in Posts

  1. In case anyone has a problem locating this product like I did. Here’s the link to the most awesome side-saddles ever made in my opinion http://markprecisiondesign.com/
    3 points
  2. I like that 2 round forward shell holder, like a matchsaverz dual. https://markprecisiondesign.com/product/forward-shell-holder-2-round/
    2 points
  3. They did say you need a verified (presumably LE-credentials) account for this, which I don't have. They charged my card anyway. Wonder if they'll cancel the order.
    1 point
  4. I recently purchased Snappy's. So far so good I guess. A lot of these guys seem to use Star Brass. I had B's and I think they were just OK. The top of the shell wasn't crimped on the B's. They have a rolled edge with a white cardboard center. I didn't even think about checking the depth on their rubberized primers. Now I'm going to check both..
    1 point
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