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Everything posted by Unobtanium

  1. I agree, but the m4 is where it's at for me, until something better comes along. Some of the new 5.56 stuff is really nasty, as well, terminally. The 62gr Dual Performance from Black Hills is up for evaluation for me this deer season. Last year mk318 mod 0 was the top performer terminally, but groups 2.5moa while the dual is running 1.6-1.8 for me. 10 shots at 100. Also, I love black hills qc.
  2. I integrate everything. I need vis and ir active and passive systems, thermal, etc to all play well with each other. That is where my carbine shines, and where the gauge needs to continue to evolve.
  3. My slightly blue looking m4 Entry will not run le13300 reliably. My older one, will. Both now and when nib. I borescoped them and nothing looks different about the ports internally, although spring pressure in the caps may be different?
  4. This is a post designed to help people who are considering a firearm that fits this genre. Self defense/combative. I remember my first Benelli like it was yesterday. Back in the late 2000s, I snagged an 11707. Immediately I bought an OEM mag tube from Numrich and installed it. I was murdering milk jugs at 100m with it with slugs, and mulching brush with buck and bird. This was back when the CB05(?) stuff was around. 12 copper plated 00 pellets at 1290fps from 2.75" shells. The weapon would malunfunion near the end of each tube. I figured it was a spring issue. Dropped in an m1s90 police spec spring. Issue ceased. Then came my desire to seriously use the gun. I needed a light. There was just no way to affix one, really. The surefire handguard either wasn't out, didn't fit the barrel flange of the 11707 models, or whatever, and LED lights were in their infancy, with Malkoff being the only real solution on a modded 6P. Begrudgingly, I left the platform and bought an ar15. I could put a light on it. Optics were also more available, as I remember, we were stuck with the LaRue shredding split rail and minimal options other than LaRue or SWAN back then. I destroyed a Pride Fowled rds mount like that. Then Kip Carrier entered the scene. Rails, full 1913. Ti mag tubes. Proper springs. Still no great light mounts. Then AVA tactical introduced a viable solution. As did Fab Defense (?) with their wonky little 1913 section on the sling groove ring. Things really hit full stride with thr IWC mounts. Scalarworks SYNC optic mounts. I played with the benelli m4 off and on over the last roughly 1.5 decades, but only around the late 20-teens did it truly become a viable, cohesive weapon system, and I absolutely love my m4 Entry gun. Time marches on, though, and MFALs, thermal, nvds, etc have become a thing. Once again, I have moved back to the ar15 carbine platform. I can mount my mfal, my light, an lpvo, a piggyback nvd compatible rds, etc. I am excited for the day when we integrate this stuff into the gauge. I have already tried with a Surefire xvl2irc on an IWC light mount 1913 section, it just didn't pan out.
  5. As far as I know, it was the same as the early civvie ones. Black anodize with a red polymer insert.
  6. Replied. I am sorry for the delay, as the forum was down.
  7. I'm snotty about idiot marks, and the IWC will mar the gun less than shooting 10 rounds, literally.
  8. Ti/steel, black, RX Arms charging handle, LNIB: $80 IWC mount for scout lights: $60 Tango Arms stippled OEM Italian (full/complete) M4 handguards (1 pair), LNIB: $200 Payment: -Zelle -Facebook pay -Personal check if established forum member. Prices include shipping, sales are CONUS only. Email at [email protected] Or PM me on site. Pictures can be had upon request from any angle you want. The items are LNIB and indistinguishable from website stock pictures. ***Order of replies to this thread with firm commitment will be used to establish who gets an item if multiple people also reach out to me via private communication.***
  9. I typically will tighten that little nut right up until the point that the wrench begins to ever so slightly move the metal on the corners. I don't know the torque value for this, and it's very much a "feel" type thing. "Snug". YMMV, proceed with caution.
  10. The m2 is an excellent weapon.
  11. https://www.midwestgunworks.com/page/mgwi/prod/70078
  12. Every now and then you see the PG only for sale at various retailers.
  13. I had a couple of questions: 1) Will the M600IB head in OEM format fit the M4 Benelli using the supplied scout body, and the IWC mount? If it will not, will it fit using the IWC mount and the Backbone body?
  14. I just use Slip2000 EWL, a boresnake, a tornado brush, a toothbrush, and microfiber cloths. This pretty much handles it.
  15. I would add that at no juncture have I ever found any official PM interval for the springs on a Benelli M4 weapon system. However, springs are springs. What matters is heat, number of compression cycles, and the percent of compression (as relates to approach of plastic deformation. This requires some pretty beefy math, not just "looking at it", although kindof like a car, you can look at it and decide if it looks fast or slow, and probably make a decent deduction) for the spring. The Benelli M4 appears exceptionally well engineered so as to avoid over-stressing the springs in say, the manner that a Colt 6920 will stress the extractor spring. As such, you LIKELY could see roughly 20K rounds of serviceable life from your weapons springs without appreciable degradation of performance. However, 5K rounds is absolutely 100% sure to be within this window, and will do you a solid. It's also a good time to inspect for chipped edges (extractor), etc. and allow you to clean the weapon well. I prefer to use SLIP 2000 EWL. Any quality CLP that performs in accordance with current military specifications should suffice. The M4 is not a high heat system regarding the moving parts that are lubricated. Corrosion prevention and anti-wear additives are the main thing, here.
  16. Basics you need (Might need this tomorrow maybe): https://www.midwestgunworks.com/page/mgwi/prod/70107 x2 or more These can tear when plugs are removed, and there is no round count predictor here. Stuff that's good to have/nice to keep around (Stuff to buy and put in a box for when/if you need it): https://www.midwestgunworks.com/page/mgwi/prod/70027 https://www.midwestgunworks.com/page/mgwi/prod/70019 https://www.midwestgunworks.com/page/mgwi/prod/70098 + https://www.amazon.com/Acu-Min-51-1836-Wrench-millimeter-Overall/dp/B004W8D7LU/ref=asc_df_B004W8D7LU/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=533371127898&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=16278073735163817701&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9023758&hvtargid=pla-1396746715631&psc=1 Spring Refresh/Build/high round count considerations (At 5K rounds, on a duty weapon, I would go through the springs and replace them. Could they last longer? You bet! But PM matters for optimal function. Things like the extractor would be inspected closely during the spring replacement. The Ejector spring is an exception due to it's absolute pain to service. 1 drop of oil on the ejector pin, and work the plunger. If no glaring deficiency is noted, you're done with that. Same for gas cap springs, sans the oil bit.): https://www.midwestgunworks.com/page/mgwi/prod/70037 https://www.midwestgunworks.com/page/mgwi/prod/70036 https://www.midwestgunworks.com/page/mgwi/prod/70038 (harbor Freight punches here...it will be bent/sacrificed.) https://www.midwestgunworks.com/page/mgwi/prod/70030 https://www.midwestgunworks.com/page/mgwi/prod/70040 https://www.midwestgunworks.com/benelli-m4/hammer-spring.html (OOS, it will come back before you need it likely...) https://www.midwestgunworks.com/page/mgwi/prod/70057 https://www.midwestgunworks.com/page/mgwi/prod/70012 https://www.midwestgunworks.com/page/mgwi/prod/60303 https://shop.carriercomp.com/product.sc?productId=1 https://www.midwestgunworks.com/page/mgwi/prod/70021 https://www.midwestgunworks.com/page/mgwi/prod/70016 https://www.midwestgunworks.com/page/mgwi/prod/70004 https://www.midwestgunworks.com/page/mgwi/prod/70029 https://www.gunpartscorp.com/products/1439350 https://www.gunpartscorp.com/products/1439180B https://www.amazon.com/VISE-GRIP-Convertible-Pliers-2-Inch-2078900/dp/B000JNRR0Y/ref=sr_1_10?crid=17V7SVNOIFCWP&keywords=snap+ring+pliers&qid=1662453717&sprefix=snap+ring+pliars%2Caps%2C98&sr=8-10 This isn't a bad kit and may be substituted for some of the above: https://www.benelliparts.net/products/benelli-m4-essentials-small-parts-kit
  17. The V cut allows a shell to lower/remain parallel to the chamber, and centers it off of the rim, as it flows forward when the bolt closes. This V cut is a better solution vs the ramp in a lifter which requires a precise bend and that said bend be maintained. The V cut is just a precise cut vs an artistic bend, basically.
  18. I like the OG Benelli follower. Black aluminum body, red polymer insert. Why? They all work, and nostalgia.
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