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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/10/22 in Posts

  1. I'll be putting these up for sale soon, I designed a spacer to go under the OEM Comb on the collapsible stock, can raise it in 10, 20, or 30mm intervals. Includes all bolts needed for the different heights. I prefer the EOtech Holo donut of death, so I made a product to make it usable on the C-Stock for a good cheek weld. It is rock solid in all heights, the bolts are more than adequate to resist lateral force from the face. You can check it out at https://rxarms.com/products/benelli-m4-parts-and-accessories/benelli-m4-cheek-riser/
    1 point
  2. The New SBE 3 20 gauge actually weighs the exact same as the M2 20 Gauge comparing 26" barrel's. There is some key differences: ComforTech 3 vs ComforTech Combtech cheeks pad on SBE 3 Easy Locking Bolt System SBE 3 New Carrier Latch Design on SBE 3, ease of loading, durability Different Triger Guard Different Safety size IMO - key segment into the SBE & Etho's platforms.
    1 point
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