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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/14/24 in Posts

  1. Such a cool product. The time and effort you’re putting in to being innovative products to an older design isn’t lost on me. My M4 is an entry model so I won’t be able to try this but I LOVE how it will allow a “c-clamp” grip. So rad. I just ordered a M4 charging handle last night from your site. Keep it up man, your eye for details is what impresses me.
    1 point
  2. I looked at pictures of the M4A1 supernova stock and it definitely looks like it uses the same pistol grip portion as the regular M4. Its rare to find pictures of the left side. You can see the notch on the left side of the grip where the unlock button sits when the stock is fully collapsed on the M4 model. Personally I'm not a big fan of the M4A1 "upgrades". So converting it to have a traditional stock is a solid choice in my opinion. The enhanced RXArms extension is the way to go!
    1 point
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