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Found 3 results

  1. I recently bought a SuperNova Tactical but it didnt have the ghost ring sights. Anyone know if I can buy the hardware and fit my gun with the ghost ring sights? And if so, where do I find them??
  2. Hello: I just purchased a SBE II with the steady grip up in the Orillia area of Ontario. Bass Pro had it for $2195.00 Canadian, and all other stores could get it for me for around the same price. The best I could do was to get Bass Pro to give me a 10% discount. Anyway, a girl at work advised me of a store in the Orillia area called Elwood EPPS named after a famous Canadian Shooter. All said and done I called up there and they had 3 of the Benelli's with the 24" barrel, Advantage Timber camo, with the steady grip. They wanted $1495.00 Canadian. What a great deal for the gun. I got one right away. The only question I have is what is everyone using for slings for the steady grip stock and what is everyone using for sights for the gun? Your opinions help to inform a novice in the Benelli world.
  3. JoeD

    Ghost Ring Sights

    My M1 Super 90 has open rifle sights soldered onto the barrel. What is involved in switching to ghost ring sights? Is it worth it?
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