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Benelli SuperNova 18.5" tactical sights question


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Ok, I have been round and round with Gander Mountain about this...


I purchased a 18.5" SuperNova tactical at the start of the summer. The FIRST time I shot it, the rear sights came off.


I was in the field, and there was no finding them...


I talked to Gander Mountain (where I purchased said shotgun) and they wanted $$$ to replace the sights and they had only stock to choose from.


I went to officerstore dot com and bought some meprolight tritium sights for a reasonable price. However, they don't fit, even though the website said they were for my model.


So now what, besides send them back...does anyone know of another site or store that has reliable info on night sights for this model?



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This is yet another thread that worries me. I have seen MANY threads such as this relating to various items coming off of these Benelli guns. Im sure that, at their core, these guns are very durable. But, its seems to me that when it comes to items that are screwed into these guns (sights, receiver mounted sidesaddles, etc.), its not IF but WHEN you will lose a part. This is very scary to me, considering how hard it is to get parts for a Benelli.

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When it comes to aftermarket stuff falling off it isn't the gun. As for sights and related items it's usually because of shock loosinging the fastners. Given it might be hard to find Benelli parts but it only takes a few seconds to check the nuts/screws once and a while.


I understand the thing about "aftermarket" parts. Actually, I have already had problems with such "parts" even though they are of high quality. However, tapped aluminum receivers dont offer too much confidence vs steel, based on what Ive heard. Im thinking about having mine re-threaded to accept Heli-Coils.


Regardless, the problem he is having with the sights is still worrysome. Yes, checking the screws is a good idea. But sometimes stuff like this happens regardless. Its the very fact that Benelli parts are hard to come by that makes situations like this so paranoia inducing!....and frustrating as h*ll.

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