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Best Grouping Slug From SBE 2?


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I have the SBE 1 and it is the same barrel for your gun. I've used the Lightfield Hybrid EXP 2.75" slugs and got some really nice groups. It always seems that I print two touching and then get a flyer, figure that is ALL me. Do yourself a favor and go to Lightfield's website and do some reading. They provide some really good information about slugs and sighting in. Also, slugs are punishing to scopes so make sure you invest wisely there, something rated for centerfire magnums. Bushnell's Elite 3200 series will do and won't empty a wallet too quickly.

PS I tried to give you the link but I'm a newbie and not trustworthy until I've made 5 posts.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I bought a new SBE2 slug gun this year and shot several different slugs through it. By far the best grouping slug was the new Remington Premier AccuTip Bonded Sabot Slug. With the 3" shell, all my shots were touching at 50 yards. At 100 yards, I had 1 1/2" groups and at 150 yards I had 2 1/2" groups. I shot three deer this year with my SBE2 and these slugs, one at 25 yards and the other two at around 75 yards. None of these deer went more than 20 yards after the shot.

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I have Shaw barrels which are a little thicker walled than the new ones but have found both to shoot about the same. I have spend over a thousand rounds of slugs. If you are not trying to shoot over 125 yrds the Lightfields are great for accuracy, groups and performance. If trying for up to 200 yrds the Federal/Barnes perform great on deer, some guns shoot the great, some do not. The Winchester/Nolser are very accurate(punishing kick) but I have not used them in field. The Hornady/SST shoot great but I do not like the performance on deer.

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