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Remington TAC 8 Buckshot


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Scrap that last plan, I looked a little further and ammo-to-go.com sells it in 25rd. increments as well, so I ordered 75rds to play with. I'll post my thoughts on it after I get a chance to shoot some of it and see how it patterns :)



Edited by Hookster
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Hey Guys, Has anyone used this Remington TAC 8- 2 3/4" 00 buck seen here:




It supposedly holds a 25% tighter pattern. They have a bunch of it at my local gunshop but it's going for $8.95 for a box of 5 (ouch)




The Carlson's Dead Coyote Choke has a 10" circle at 70 yards for T shot through Buckshot loads. Not really sure on what your plans are for these rounds...Self defense if I had to guess, but if you want precision at close range, say hostage situation you would get deadlier accuracy out of a slug...just a thought, but I have read up on it and have seen some segments on TV about it..I think it was "American Guardian" that really demonstrated the lethal precision of using slugs in this kind of situation.

Here is a picture from last weekend's shooting with slugs at 30 feet (10 yards). The two in the middle were by me free standing out of my SuperNova with an IC Choke shooting Brenneke Black Magics and the one that hit the top of the intruder's head were Remington sluggers out of my brothers 887. Hope this helps in some way.


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Hi Tyson,

Sorry I just noticed your reply to this thread, we had a 3+ day power outage last week from a storm. I do plan to post some pics when I shoot the TAC 8. I was going to compare it to standard Rem 00 which is what I usually shoot and some Winchester military grade 00 which I recently got some of. (I hear it shoots more of a loose pattern but we'll see)



Hookster :)

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Hi Tyson,

Sorry I just noticed your reply to this thread, we had a 3+ day power outage last week from a storm. I do plan to post some pics when I shoot the TAC 8. I was going to compare it to standard Rem 00 which is what I usually shoot and some Winchester military grade 00 which I recently got some of. (I hear it shoots more of a loose pattern but we'll see)



Hookster :)


Hookster - looking forward to your tests. I will be testing the Remington Ultimate HD. It's not 00 Buck - it's BB shot: 2 3/4 1250fps 1/14 oz. It's stupidly pricey at DSG, but I work there and had ScorePoints, so I figured WTF? I have no full-sized silhouettes, but do have some IDPA-style targets which replicate center-mass well. Will try some groupings from 10-feet and out and post pics...

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We use this load at work as a duty and range round. It does hold a solid pattern but I noticed that it was more obvious when it threw out strays from the pattern. Overall it has been a good round when I used it.


At home in my M4 I just use the 9-Pellet Federal RR LE round. I don't see any diehard reasons to swap.

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Hi Tyson,

Sorry I just noticed your reply to this thread, we had a 3+ day power outage last week from a storm. I do plan to post some pics when I shoot the TAC 8. I was going to compare it to standard Rem 00 which is what I usually shoot and some Winchester military grade 00 which I recently got some of. (I hear it shoots more of a loose pattern but we'll see)



Hookster :)

Glad to see your power is back on. Can't wait to see your pattern tests. It will be very interesting. Would you please include the model of your gun and choke used for the tests along with yardage so that we can all benefit from your tests and comparisons and know if there is an increase in density compared to your other buckshot. It would be much appreciated and I can't wait. I am a fan of Federal 00 and 000 3.5" buckshot, but than again that is for hunting, as I use a S&W M&P 45 with my Doberman for HD protecting my family or the FN 5.7, but the 5.7 can hit homes very far away after going through walls, so I like to use a slower heavier bullet that is safe for my family and neighbors. Good luck, I hope the ammo test are as positive as their claims.


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Hey Tyson,

Yeah I've got some serious range time coming up here between trying out my new M1A socom and doing some pattern tests. I'm also a fan of the Federal 000. I've shot a bit of it with my M1S90 It seems to shoot tighter than my usual Rem 00. For my tests I'll probably start with my M4 w/mod choke at 15 and 25 yds and see what happens.



Hookster :)

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I hear you about time Hookster...I was chomping at the bit to get to the range today, but no dice...Will try again tomorrow. The SNT is loaded with what my prior shotguns have always been loaded with: Good old fashioned 00-buck. However, I am always game to try and read about something new. Based on just reading about the "Ultimate Home Defense" rounds, they seem to be glorified goose loads, as they are labeled "Wingmaster". Not sure how effective BB shot would be in a self-defense scenario, but Remington likely either knows a lot more about the subject, is into some creative marketing, or maybe even a combination of both...


By the way - enjoy your SOCOM-16. I have had mine for years and absolutely adore it. I have added quite a bit to it over the past couple of years and she now rides in a Troy MCS...It's my go-to rifle. Hope you enjoy yours even half as much....

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