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Super Nova issues


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My Super Nova sucks! Plain and simple! What choke a shell combos can I expect a outstanding result with?


How far are you shooting? And what shell/choke are you shooting now? I'm guess you have other shotguns that pattern better with the same shell/choke combo for you to say it sucks.


I've kill plenty of birds with my nova.

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Duckhawk, What have you tried so far? Do you know what shell you want to use? I'm not an expert by any means, and there are many on this board who know alot more about this than me but I can tell you what has worked for my Super Nova. I bought this for my son last year and he killed his first tukey with it. That shot was only 20 yards though, so I'm not going to tell you it shoots like a laser. We were using Winchester Supreme 3" #5 shot 2 oz. loads and a Kick's Industries Gobblin Thunder .665" choke. They patterned good out to around 40 or so yards. If you are willing to keep your shots at 40 yards or less, I don't think you can beat them. Those shells sell for less than $13 per box of 10 around here. This year I'd like to try and get another 10 yards of effective range with it. I hope to shoot some patterns this weekend with 2 different chokes and 4 different shells. I'll be glad to let you know what I find out.

Also, I have 2 Gobblin' Thunder chokes for sale, a .660" and a .665". Both are like new in the original package with very few rounds through them. $50 each shipped to you. As I said, they will give you good patterns with the right loads but are intended for lead shot only.


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shootin steel. my buddy has the EXACT SAME CHOKE and he and I went to the range and patterned his gun with winchesters and federal and even though the winchesters patterned great, the federal flitecontrol wad reigned supreme! these things work great out of those chokes despite what most say about the flitecontrol wad having trouble in ported chokes. give it a try!

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Thanks for the info, kittens. I've never tried anything but lead shot through these chokes. I bought them direct from Kick's and the man I talked to said that's all I should use. I've already got some other chokes that are supposed to be the best thing ever for Heavier-Than-Lead shot. May have wasted my money but I'll give them a shot. If they don't work as well as expected, then I'll go back to the Kick's and see what it will do.

Thanks Again.

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