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Them things look neat and i would not mind trying one myself, did not take me long to git rid of that small dull red thing on my SBEII that looks just like whatever shotgun you have in that picture? What has been done to that thing? Looks UNIQUE!:D


do need to talk to ya about a couple of things,,but first,,if you would Sir,,post a pic of your SBE beauty,,I've seen your awesome Legacys but not your latest,your Benelli collection seems to run parralell with mine,,thats truly scary,,

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do need to talk to ya about a couple of things,,but first,,if you would Sir,,post a pic of your SBE beauty,,I've seen your awesome Legacys but not your latest,your Benelli collection seems to run parralell with mine,,thats truly scary,,

Do you have Legacys, Hogwild?

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Nope i spend my extra cash on Fishing junk and Rifle Ammio, My Shotgun colection is limited to a SBEII, Browning Citori Satin Lightning and and 2 H&R Single Barrels one a model 48 Topper and the other a newer Topper Classic Deluxe,and they are all 12ga shotguns!

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got my hogs mixed up,,,,sorry about that ,,,,its hognutz I need to talk to,,but hogwild been cool throughout the ages too,,now,,hognutz,,don;t you also have a new SBE 2??????????????????????????

Yes, my befuddled friend..It is not good to mix up your Hogs..:D I have a SBE l, SBE ll, Vinci, 2 Legacys, Nova, and a Super Nova.

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