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New R1


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Just got the ultimate Father's Day present - a brand new-out-of-the-box Benelli 30-06. I can hardly wait to take it out and fire the first rounds through it so I want to get some optics and on it ASAP and start adding some of the essential accessories.


As my first Benelli, it goes without saying I'm looking forward taking it on many future hunting adventures. Would love to hear some of your favorite additions to your R1 and any good advice you have for a brand new R1 owner.

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Just got the ultimate Father's Day present - a brand new-out-of-the-box Benelli 30-06. I can hardly wait to take it out and fire the first rounds through it so I want to get some optics and on it ASAP and start adding some of the essential accessories.


As my first Benelli, it goes without saying I'm looking forward taking it on many future hunting adventures. Would love to hear some of your favorite additions to your R1 and any good advice you have for a brand new R1 owner.




I hope you enjoy yours as much as my son & I have ours!


My favorite additions are my Murray A1 quick set rifle sling and my Trijicon Accupoint scope:




If you order an A1 tell Dick you need it 6" longer than his standard A1, that's what mine is:




The R1 is an accurate rifle, but both mine and my sons required 100+ rounds down the barrel before it started to tighten up. I would buy 2 or 3 boxes of cheap winchester white box 150grn soft points and shoot them all before I even bothered to work on finding the best load for your rifle.


The R1 does not like to be rested on the end of the forestock, rest it closer to the receiver for better results. Also keep in mind that is a really thin barrel and heats up quickly - give it time to cool between shots if you want tight groups. Both my rifle and my son's rifle are 30.06's, they both shoot MOA w/ Hornady SST 150 grn bullets, a load that also works well on deer and the countless hogs we have here in Texas (and the occasional coyote;)) - might give them a try in your rifle and see if they work for you.





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Thanks David,


Appreciate the excellent advice and recommendation for Murray Custom Leather. I've heard nothing but good things about Murray and the A-1 looks like a great fit.


Nice picture - Look forward to finding an occasional (and unfortunate) coyote soon!

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Thank you Steve!


You have shared a wealth of outstanding information and field proven experience, I'll be taking following your advice closely. Already invested in some new cleaning equipment specifically for my new R1 and will be paying special attention to the gas piston now that I've seen what happens.


It was really cool to see some of your adventures - you are truly blessed. I can only hope I am able to share a fraction of such experiences with my kids someday.


Thank you for sharing and thank you even more for your service!

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