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Break-in-Ammo for Legacy


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Bought the Legacy Sport 12g.

Plan on using it mostly for clays.........no real large stuff until back gets better after surgery.

  • Thus, looking for a recommendation on the 250 rounds needed to do the job without killing my back and wallet.
  • Is it recommended to clean gun before first use in the event it shows up with factory thick oil for shipping....or does it come "field ready"?

Thanks for your time!

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It needs to be stripped and cleaned before use. Run about 3-4 boxes of heavy loads through it and clean again. Should be good to go after that. My buddy just got a M2 American and he found some 3 inch turkey loads on sale for like 5 bucks and box. He has been able to run 1oz loads since.

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all you really need to do is run about 100 or so high brass bird shot through that gun while shooting clays so it makes it fun then put your cheapy loads in there to finish your day off clean the **** out of it lube the rails she will shoot anything



p.s. i have never ever cleaned a gun after i bought it before its first range trip

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Thanks guys!

All worked great!

Got the extra oil off and..........

it was so smooooth, I didn't even know I was throwing heavy rounds down range!!!

My gosh, I always thought folks were talking up the "soft" recoil.

she fired like a dream.....I still had a hard time believing I was shooting a 12g!


now if I can only hit the clays ;-0


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