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Problem with MR1?


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Hey guys,


I recently bought a MR1. Did a barrel break in on it, cleaned the entire firearm (barrel and field stripped), fired once, cleaned, fired once, cleaned, fired once, cleaned, and fired 5 times, cleaned (on the fire 5 and clean 8 cycles now). I put a New Nikon coyote special on it (3-9x40) and bore sighted it. I have a bench set up at 100 yards, I have tried to sight this rifle in 8 times now. It makes absolutely no group at all, I get 7" circles at 100 yards with a bench and lead sled. So i moved it to 50 yards and tried, still absolutely nothing. I read in an article that a guy who bought one's barrel was pitted after 67 shots ( http://www.predatormastersforums.com/forums/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=1774397).

I Took the scope off and use the standard sight, still no group, not even close. Any help would be appreciated.



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