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Pictures of Magpul Foregrip, Surefire Rail Foreend and CC Bolt Handle


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I finally figured out how to post pictures on this forum clearly, so I'm reposting this.


Installed the following: Magpul Angled Foregrip Surefire Rails CC muted knob.


Close up of grip, rail system and CC knob. I put rail covers on, helps give me a better grip. I really like how I'm able to grab on to the shotgun so well with the AFG. I'm not sure how well this set up would work for people with small hands, probably not too well.


Following the photos, I have links to the various items I added:





Shotgun, full view:





By the way, here are links to the various pieces shown:


Here is the Surefire rail system:



Here is the Magpul grip:



Here are the rail covers:



Here is the CC knob:


Edited by Amsdorf
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