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Scope/rings suggestion

Dirty Steve

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New R1 30/06 owner here. I'm a white tail hunter and don't put much time in at the bench. I don't hand load. Just wondering what rings work the best with the picatinny base. Was looking at Leupold PRW rings. Not sure if I'm going with a 40mm or 50 mm lens- which will surely determine was height rings to get. If you have high rings did you put on the high comb rubber piece that is available? What are you folks running? I have to pay the damn thing off before getting a new scope/rings/anything!


Any suggestions on good factory rounds. Not trying to start WW3 about bullets just wondering what works good for yours.





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I have a few sets of the Warne permanent attach scope rings in medium height. They are good and decently priced. With that setup, I've put a Nikon 3x9x40 and a Bushnell Trophy XLT 1.5x6x44 (30mm tube) and they've fit perfectly on my .30-06. It's worth noting that the Warne pictatiny rail for the Browning BAR fits great on the R1, too, and is much cheaper than the Benelli one.

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Thanks for the info. I bought the R1 synthetic in camo and it came with the Benelli base/rail. And your right about the base being pricey. Website has it listed for $100! I've always been partial to 3-9 x 40 scopes but a friend of mine has a 50 mm scope that he found used which I like. I need to get the gun paid off the Bass Pro card before I look at scopes though. Are there any brands of ammo and/or grain sizes you prefer?

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If you get the Warne permanent mount rings, you'll need the high rings. With my medium ones, the 44 mm objective almost touches the barrel. I have a Zeiss Conquest on my .300 Win Mag R1 barrel and it's got 44 mm objective which also almost touches the barrel. I like to shoot 165 gr. pretty much as a rule. They seem to shoot the best in both my .30-06 and .300 WM. 150's shoot Ok, and 180's for me aren't as accurate. I can get nice 1-1.5" groups with Federal Fusions. A great bonded bullet for the price. My rifle also really like the Hornady interbond and interlock. Sometimes I hunt hogs in a no-lead zone, so I'll shoot the Barnes copper. They shoot Ok, but not as good as the other two. Same for core-lokts - just ok. I almost always shoot the Fusions now. They are relatively inexpensive and shoot great. I hunt hogs, blacktail deer, and bear for the most part. The ammo that my rifle doesn't shoot well is Winchester eTip, any Eastern block surplus ammo (Golden Bear, Selier & Belot, etc), and federal blue box soft points.

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