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my sbe2 troubles


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i have had my sbe 2 for 3 years and its nothing but trouble.  i had a bad stove piping issue which just got worse and more frequent over the years, it became like 65 percent of the time i would fire it would stove pipe. So i shipped it to benelli and they cut the extractor deeper and put a new extractor in.  I got it back the shotgun stopped stove piping and was double feeding all the time.  Frustrated i sent it back to benelli again.  So benelli said at the factory they could not get it to replicate the issue.  I have 5 benellis and i have zero issues with any of them except this one.  I spoke with managerment and he was very nice. He told me he would look himself and he called me back with in the hour.


He said he felt the mag tube spring pressure was off and trimmed it.  So now i recieved it back and the shotgun is working awesome.  EXcept!! hahah, not the thing keeps benelli " Clicking" like alot.


Do i ship it back?? I feel annoying but i spent a lot i want the thing to work.  Or should i just put a wolf 25% recoil spring in hope it fixes the issue? and call it a day?


thanks guys.

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Great topic and good question.  If you look at the part number for the M2 recoil spring it is different from the SBE series guns.  This spring is much longer and softer that the OEM SBE series springs.  Check out Wolff Springs, there is no change in springs other than OEM Power, 25% Increase, 25% decrease.  I personally replace all customers M2 spring with OEM Wolff.  

From your note the factory tried to change your spring rate, the OEM M2 spring.  It sounds as though they went to far and your rotating bolt is now not locking into battery.  I believe if you ordered a wolff OEM power spring, checked your shells for tolerance, (see recent Kent Shell post), your gun will cycle perfectly.

Keep your recoil spring tube clean, keep your spring fresh, field strip your bolt, check shells tolerance, shoulder gun properly, every Benelli will cycle shells 100% like new.  I have worked on more than 800 Benelli's, every one leaves cycling shells like new.

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