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Locking head pin?


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Maybe it does not matter the half line on the locking head pin faces forward or rearward.


Perhaps the key is consistency. On my SBEII, I have reassembled the half line facing forward on the locking head pin (I did not pay attention to the direction it was facing when I first disassembled the bolt assembly).


My locking head pin is showing the same wear marks as shown in the picture in the following thread: worn part


BenelliGirl, to answer Drundel's question, does it matter if the half line on the locking head pin is facing forward or rearward? Or is consistently facing the locking head pin forward or rearward when reassembling the bolt assembly after cleaning more important?


Thank you, threeshot

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Can you get an answer to the question regarding if it matters if the half line on the locking head pin is facing forward or rearward? Or is consistently facing the locking head pin forward or rearward when reassembling the bolt assembly after cleaning more important?


Thank you, threeshot

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I must be some what lucky. I have the same pin on my M2 and it does not seem to matter which way it points. The way it was explained to me by the gun shop where I bought it was that this line was as an "assembly aid" for getting the firing pin back in throught the hole in it. If you look at it, the part is a cylinder with no special keying cutouts or faces on it. The only distiguishing feature is the hole for the firing pin.


I have had it pointing both directions and no problems. But I generally try to put it in pointing towards the rear. That is the way that it came from the factory.

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Originally posted by Drundel:



That makes some since, but why not do the line the whole length instead of just half way? But like you, I try to have mine face the back.

I haven't had a chance to get out shoorting for a while. LAst night I went out tto the range to shoot some trap. While cleaning the gun after one round in the pouring rain I paid a little more closer atention to that pesky pin.


Why the line does not go across the top instead of only 1/2 way? I don't know. But I did notice that there are 2 small flat surfaces that are at 90 degrees to the line. They are not very noticeable but are about 0.100" at the most. They are symetrical to the line on the pin though.


I also noticed that there is some wear marks on both of them. Not much but a slightly brighter area that is is in the shape of a V. This looks like it should be normal wearthough.


Hope this helps a little bit.


Mike :rolleyes:

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