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New First Time Benelli Owner


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Well, I bought my first Benelli. I decided to go with an M4 model 11715. Huge fan of the extended tube and adjustable stock. It was unfortunately a gun broker purchase, so it wasn’t cheap. It should be here by the end of the week. This is also my first semi-auto shotgun. I’ve owned pumps and a side by side, but am new to this. I hear that it needs a special load for the break in period until it will accept field/target loads. What specifically does it need for the break in process? Is it load type, or velocity based?

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you ll love it man. I bought a M4 too for my first shotgun and so glad i did. I have a h20 and took it out with birdshot, slugs, and buckshot. I shot about 25 buckshot and slugs without any issues  at all. I wanted to mix them up and see if it would eat all of them without problems. I loaded buckshot, slugs, birdshot, and som clay shot rounds. I also fired them all fast. It ate EVERYTHING. I would also recommend cleaning it really good and put some CLP oil on it. I would fire about 25 or so buckshot and slugs thru it and then try birdshot and mix them up to test it out. 


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On 8/15/2022 at 1:40 PM, Brandon101884 said:

I hear that it needs a special load for the break in period until it will accept field/target loads. What specifically does it need for the break in process? Is it load type, or velocity based?

It depends is what I've heard. (I say, "heard", because I have not had the chance to fire my brand new M1014 as it is already back at Benelli for a repair. Ugh.) In any case, I recommend cleaning any new gun before firing, but some new M4 owners here have reported being able shoot anything and everything right out the box without a prior cleaning. Some new M4 owners here have reported having to go through a break in period with a couple of hundred buck and/or slug shells before being able to shoot lighter loads. It seems to vary from one gun to the next.   

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