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benelli m-4 ext. mag.


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If ya can't find it under post from SOCOMguy on this page you probably are not looking but there are a couple ways i have read about and the heat gun and ovenmit would be the one i would use, the insert in oven method really does not work for me! would also use sparingly a low temp loctite to install new one but some people say they do not use it?

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I was able to get my factoy tube off by using a piece of wood that is 18" long and 3"x1", I drilled a 1" hole back 3" from the end and used a band saw to cut a curf from the end across the hole and added 2 carage bolts to squeeze it back together and pinch on the tube as it is placed in the hole then using it like a large wrench, I snapped it quickly and the tube is free and unscrews with out any heating. If you have trouble I might add a heatgun to the threads and still use the "wrench". I can't see putting a M4 in the oven.

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To say that the magazine tube was tough to get unscrewed is an understatement to say the least. Alot of guys used the "oven method" with sucess. If you can't see yourself putting your M4 in the oven--I being one of them--two words, heat gun. It'll seem like it won't come off. But, Mr.MP is right, heat is the key.

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