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Supernova Rifled Barrel


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I know this question has been asked before, but does anyone know where I can find a Supernova rifled barrel? I purchased this shotgun a year ago, and at the time they advertised a rifled barrel on their website. I immediately placed an order with Cabela's, and two months later they contacted me to let me know they didn't have an eta as to when they'd be in. As far as I know, they never did get them in. I checked at least once a week and they were always out of stock until eventually they didn't even offer it anymore.


Unless these barrels are hiding somewhere, I don't think they exist any longer. This is a poor way to do business on Benelli's part. I factored the rifled barrel advertised on their website into my purchasing decision and now I'm stuck having to buy a new gun. I would have purchased a Remington or something else I could depend on if I had known better. In fact, I probably would have spent the extra money at the time on an M2 and an extra barrel if I knew I was going to be in this position in a year. Back then I really believed in the company. I think Benelli should make an effort to have these available at a reasonable price. Anyway, if anyone finds any (that aren't being held for ransom), please let me know. Thanks.

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  • 3 months later...

I'm in exactly the same boat, for exactly the same reasons. My SuperNova has been great for game birds and waterfowl, but I bought it because they were showing the cantilevered rifled barrel as an accessory. I have been unable to get any info out of Benelli customer service as to when, or if, the barrel will be available.

Guess I will buy a Hastings for my old reliable wingmaster.....

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  • 1 year later...

Consider the fine print that AbleAmmo does not necessarily have them in stock.


Please Note:

This item may ship to us directly from the manufacturer and there may be a delay for delivery.


It looks like the Benelli part number and no one else shows stock available. You may order it and find out its not available anyway. I'd have to agree that a second gun is the best option.

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