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New Benelli 121 M1 owner with some questions


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Hey all


Just acquired a Benelli M1 121. This is also my first shotgun. I got a couple of questions. First is there anywhere to get a manual? I DL'd the super 90 manual but some things seem slightly different. Secondly, stupid question, but can the 121 use 2-3/4" magnum loads? I know the lower-power loads are a no-no, but is there an upper limit to how "hot" can you go with the loads? Thanks.



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greetings,,the 121 m1 is a Great weapon,,,second only to the M1014,,it will take any power 2-3/4 shells,and only 2-3/4'' shells,,second sometimes theres a manual on the gunbroker about the weapon ,,I personally own one and a half 121 m1s,,1983 vintage,there is a big difference from the 121 m1 and the m1 super 90 so don't go with the super 90 manual,,its similar in appearance to the super black eagle or any other split reciever Benelli post 85,,but that where it ends,,hope this helps,,it did me,,,

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  • 1 year later...

I'm looking at purchasing. I REALLY need honest feedback (quickly) on the pros and cons of this older 121m1 model. Is the reloading button issue a problem, does the 121 function as well as the s90 with lighter recoiling loads, ect?


What do you like BETTER about it over the s90? Thanks in advance! :D

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