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John P.

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John P. last won the day on August 27

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About John P.

  • Birthday 03/10/1973

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  1. Received my set yesterday. Haven’t been able to fit them yet. They’re clearly made on a 3D printer, so I’m not sure how I feel about that. The texture feels very 3D printer-ish, go figure. More to come …
  2. Didn’t see this coming. Seems to check all the boxes that we’ve been waiting for. Ordered this morning and will update once I get them. Finally! Link to GG&G
  3. My FFL just received my new Multicam a300, so we’ll see!
  4. Looks like I’ll need to get one of these limited edition A300 Ultima Patrols in Multicam: To sit next to this guy:
  5. Yeah, wish these were available, too.
  6. I’ve always twisted until there’s no slop or movement.
  7. Here you go—5 left: https://www.gunpartscorp.com/products/980370
  8. Yeah, it’s been a topic since I’ve been on this forum (2007).
  9. Not all shells are the same length. Some people buy certain shells for this reason. Some cut a couple coils from their mag spring.
  10. Yes, field stock handles much better for me, too.
  11. Yeah, couldn’t be a thing. Better chance with the Beretta 1301.
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