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SBII Jamming Question


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I had two jams in the field with my SBII. I was using Federal wing shok 1500fps #5 birdshot. 1 1/4oz shot 4 dram. I beleive at the time I wasnt shouldering the weapon tight enough. One of the rounds stovepiped, the other was still inside the reveiver but the bolt was almost all the way open. I had to pull back on the handle and reach in and remove. My question is if your not shouldering it properly and it jams is that what you would typically see?

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Clean the sure-cycle in the stock. Pull the butt pad off and use an extended socket wrench to remove the stock and unscrew the metal part the nut was threaded to, let the spring out and clean in side. Or replace with a stainless steel sure-cycle like I did and never had a problem since. Adds weight to the gun put it slams the shell home with no bounce back.

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The gun has at least 1k rounds through many of which is high brass. I did have issues before with it jammin on the first round even with high brass. I have cleaned and lubricated the recoil tube. These two times it jammed I questioned if I shouldered it tight enough so I waited 30 or 60 mins in the field and fired another round making sure it was tight. It fired fine. Im not going to spend $200 or whatever on a surecycle system when you drop 1400 on a shotgun you shouldnt have to do anything! I probably was just anxious to shoot the pheasant and wasnt tight against shoulder.

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The $150 was nothing, it was the blue flame I had to use to melt the glue to unscrew it that made me almost stop before I started. lol. Since I liked the gun so much I had to get ride of the hick-ups it was having. Believe me I am far from the guy who can spend 10K or more on a gun just to shoot clays. Happy hunting.

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The bolt rails may have been a little dry from taking it on several hunts and not cleaning it. I put a drop of CLP on eat bolt rail inside the receiver and let it drip down then worked the action back and forth a few times. I fired 9 shots on the field today without any jams!

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