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M2 Slug Gun...Most accurate brand/size


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Hello all, Just purchased an M2 field slug gun, 12 ga and would like to get some insight on what brand and length ammo anyone uses for the best accuracy. I have a 20 ga 11-87 that I went through hundreds of dollars of ammo trying to get it to shoot and would not like to repeat the exercise with the M2. TIA


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Went to the range today & shot 12 different saboted slug loads. Ended up with the Lightfield 3 inch HYBRED-ELITE 1 1/4 oz. (Orange box). Best three shot group, one inch CTC with these slugs. Gun is M2 12 ga. Slug gun w/Nikon 2x-7x ML/Shotgun scope. Getting more ammo to try at 150 and 200 yds. Also going to switch to Leupold 3x-9x Ultimate Slam scope with SBR reticle. Stay tuned. DH99

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