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SBE II barrel rust


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I pulled SBE II out of the case last night to give it a once over with some CLP, only to see spots of rust along the vent rib and spots along the top of the rib. I took it to Alaska and the firearm was exposed to moisture there for about a week. As soon as I got back, I cleaned it thoroughly, then applied breakfree CLP wiping off any fingerprints as I placed it into the case it came with.

I called Benelli today, they said they don't cover rust but I could send it in anyway and see what the gunsmith has to say. He might find error's that allowed the barrel to rust. I mailed it 2 hours ago..I sure hope they help me out! I've restored an Ithica M37 and maintained a 1100 and never seen rusting issues like this.


Any idea's how I can keep this from happening?

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I never store a gun in a case of any kind.


The case could have contained ambient moisture that became trapped inside.

There can also be condensation buildup inside the case during transport, especially if flying or going from one climate to another.


Depending on how much moisture it was exposed to in Alaska, there could have been latent moisture in the gun's receiver and barrel as well.


Wiping off the fingerprints won't get rid of that, and it's going to "sweat" while inside that plastic coffin.


Sorry it happened, but a seasoned gun owner such as yourself should have known better that to leave it inside that plastic case.


The case is made for transport, not storage. :(

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Yea, that was the only gun that had a plastic coffin, I should have known better. I did insure thermal uniformity before putting the gun into the case to avoid condensation but there must have been moisture hiding somewhere. I would expect possible rust on cheaper firearms but not on a $1500.00 Benelli that is built for "less than ideal" conditions.

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I feel your pain. There is nothing worse than seeing rust on a gun. As Tucker stated, steel is steel, and moisture makes rust, period. Keep them clean, keep them oiled, and check them often. Never, ever store a gun in a gun case. They will last you a lifetime and then some if properly maintained. Good luck with the Cust. Service. They may suprise you in a good way...

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The Benellis aren't noted for their finish durability, especially on the black matte finishes.

Last road trip I took, I tore mine down and cleaned it every night of the hunt.

It only takes about 10 minutes and it could save a good deal of heartache.


If mine ever gets in too bad of shape I'm going to have it dipped in camo.

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Not a big fan of CLP, i would use Hoppe's gun grease and not put a bunch on the barrel but i would coat it if i were going out in rain soaked duck blind. Good luck with Benelli fixing a rust issue as they specifically say they do not! CLP? How can it do all 3 and do any of them well? Solvent, lubricant & protection mixed together? PLS:rolleyes: I do not buy it being able to do all 3 well at all, i know a lot of people use it but not here!

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Well, I for one, don't use CLP for all three, just as a lubricant/protectant. I believe all protectants these days are lubricants as well. I tend to shy away from grease on any outward exposed surfaces due to contaminating it with foreign object debris

Edited by partypilot1
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More frequent cleanings will solve the problem, a light coat of grease does attract junk but not rust, but to me it is not a problem to protect a 1500.00 shotgun by being proactive! If you have issues with the design of the finish it's kinda late for that but as tucker mentioned you can spend the $$$ and get it dipped? i prefer to use a 4 dollar tube of light gun grease and i clean mine after every outing and i never store them wet or dirty. Corrosion as everyone knows starts when the item was manufactured and continues unless you take steps to stop it and that is what i have used for years and i seem to have NO rust issues! I even use it on blued finished barrels and have for years of rust free protection and once i started using it you get the feel for when you have the proper amount applied and i never put too much cause it only takes a light film to do it's job!

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  • 2 months later...
I got my barrel back from Benelli and they did me right! They blasted and reblued the barrel, that's a company that stands behind their product. Not many companies like that anymore.

Happy Customer,

Sam S


Boy am I glad to hear that. I know back in Dec. it was up in the air about how they would address the problem. Good for you Partypilot, And better yet, good for Benelli, for standing behind a great product. Everyone wins. I like when stories end like this...Mike

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I pulled SBE II out of the case last night to give it a once over with some CLP, only to see spots of rust along the vent rib and spots along the top of the rib. I took it to Alaska and the firearm was exposed to moisture there for about a week. As soon as I got back, I cleaned it thoroughly, then applied breakfree CLP wiping off any fingerprints as I placed it into the case it came with.

I called Benelli today, they said they don't cover rust but I could send it in anyway and see what the gunsmith has to say. He might find error's that allowed the barrel to rust. I mailed it 2 hours ago..I sure hope they help me out! I've restored an Ithica M37 and maintained a 1100 and never seen rusting issues like this.


Any idea's how I can keep this from happening?

Never ever store your gun in a case. Always clean it and let it breath. Buy a good anti-rust oil like the Inhibitor and I think Remington makes anti-rust applications for firearms. I'm having a "duracoat" finish put on my 18yo SBE barrel because I am hunting in salt marshes almost exclusively now.

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