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WTS Benelli M4 Bottomland Camo


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Thuber!


If I were you, I'd shoot some nice pix of this in the Sun with Good lighting. Don't use stock photos unless they are real good. Nothing starts a feeding frenzy like a little chum in the water.


Video wouldn't hurt either.


I went on the Benchmade forums and was going to sell an Auto knife. I asked the guy who sold the last one what it sold for. He said $165 and his was NIB. That was way low. The knife new is $245.


I posted mine on youtube and put for sale $200 Guy posts I'll take it in something wild like one hour.


I've had a lot of offers to buy mt guns off Youtube.


I'm not claiming to be a genius at this stuff but I'll post my channel here just in case it might help you turn the gun. If I wasn't working on other things I'd be interested. But even my Interest is a little weak without the obligatory picture/video baiting. I always shoot video for every ebay or sale auction now, I don't care how small the item is.




I have a Sig and Beretta video on here and got offers on both of them from YT


I usually just post to YT for the video to be used on a forum but have started using it to sell. We'll see how long that lasts...

Edited by les_garten
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