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Benelli brand chokes don’t have the notches any longer?


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Am I losing it or did Benelli do away with the notches on their branded chokes?

I just picked up a new Benelli Imp Cyl choke for another shotgun from Midwest.  It’s marked improved cylinder On the side of the choke so no issue there.  

After installing I realized it didn’t have the notches on the end.  I have the same choke for my M4 and I’m 95% sure it has the notches.  I can’t check it because it’s not with me at the moment.  These Benelli brand chokes appear to be made by Trulock.

I know for a fact that the mod choke which came with the M4 has the notches.  It also has a black finish as opposed to the stainless appearance of the Benelli/Trulock version.

It’s just throwing me for a loop.  I started to think nutty things like I defaced the choke using my Briley speed wrench for the first time lol.




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Thanks for letting me know.

I don’t thing my Briley wrench could have worn them off.  I was awfully careful both were brand new.

Mine isn’t black either.  I‘ve always wondered why the ones that come with the M4s are but the Benelli chokes sold separately aren’t.




Edited by Milspec
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