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Benelli m4 Blemish


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Hello! I'm new to owning firearms and was gifted a Benelli m4 LE model 11715 by my dad for my birthday. In my excitement of receiving such a nice gun I failed to notice this small minor blemish. I'm not too worried about it as it is small, but I can't tell really what it is and would love any input as to what it may be. 





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I recently got a M4 T-Pro in the brown cerakote, and I too found small blemishes here and there both externally, and internally. 
I suspect from what I can see in your photo that there was a small dent in the metal before the finish was applied, but I’m no expert. 

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1 hour ago, Plinkingaway said:

I recently got a M4 T-Pro in the brown cerakote, and I too found small blemishes here and there both externally, and internally. 
I suspect from what I can see in your photo that there was a small dent in the metal before the finish was applied, but I’m no expert. 

Oh really? What blemishes did you find on yours?

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The gun rubbed on something or banged something, I know you’re probably disappointed but now your gun is on its way to looking like it actually gets used!

I get this is an expensive gun, and I am a bit desensitized to it, since I shoot M4s like the tools they were made to be.   Shoot it and enjoy it.  Run her hard, enjoy all she has to offer. 

if it really bothers you you can try some Birchwood Casey Aluminum Black, it might work for you.

Edited by RxArms
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12 hours ago, Corgi1Pug1 said:

Oh really? What blemishes did you find on yours?

I made a post a little while back about the differences between my Dad’s older model and mine. Most of the blemishes I found are shown in pictures there if you’re interested. 

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That doesnt even qualify as a blemish. IF anything, its the slightest of handling marks. These guns are tools and meant to be used and in the process of use you're going to have dings, scratches, rubs etc. Enjoy the shotgun and dont sweat the small stuff as it really wont matter in the end.

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