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Supernova Bolt head stuck


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I've been having an issue with my Supernova which is increasing in frequency. Even when the gun is completely empty. 


When racking the gun, the bolt head seizes/gets stuck at mid open. Even using the "limpet" method does not free the bolt. After much fiddling and moving, the bolt "releases" and then works again. 


I'm unable to replicate the issue on demand. I stripped the gun and inspected the bolt head and the inside of the receiver and can't see anything wrong.

I have the magload short action bars installed, but Magload indicated that their bars could not cause what I'm explaining.

Anyone else experienced something similar to this?



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7 hours ago, REZARF2 said:

Does it go away with the factory pets installed? That’d be my  first place I’d check. Never had that on a Benelli and I’ve owned several, including a supernova 

I'll swop them out and see.


I did reach out to magload around the short action bars and they also indicated that they have not had any feedback from customers around such an issue with their bars. 

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5 hours ago, REZARF2 said:

If I made aftermarket parts I would be pretty sure it wasn’t my parts causing the issues either! Haha

They are a very reputable aftermarket parts supplier, and their stuff is used by a lot of top competitors. The owners personally get involved and resolve issues where necessary. 

I have not heard that they ever stepped away from a problem caused by something they made. 

I have the original parts, so will refit them and see if it resolves the problem.

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