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Hello guys-

Have been looking at SBE 3. I don’t waterfowl hunt, but I do Turkey hunt and do mostly shotgun deer hunting. I am in a shotgun only state and we’re not going to a straight wall or pistol caliber state. I have a nice mossberg 935 with 2 barrels., one bird one rifled. 
And it has worked fine…. But I just like new stuff   

So what’s up with the rifled barrels for the SBE3, they seem to be solD out everywhere. I want a do it all gun, light weight and reliable. Should I stick with my Mossberg or upgrade to a SBE3. Maybe settle for a M2 which seems to have barrels available to purchase. 

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You may want to continue to use your Mossberg until small parts from Benelli improve, post covid.  The M2 was redesigned this past year, some models within the core have not been rounded out to include all of the variety that was included in the past generation M2.


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