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One week and counting...


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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, my weekend was a good one...but I don't have any pictures to share.


I talked to a gobbler on Friday, called in 3 hens and a strutting Jake on Saturday, and talked to a gobbler on Sunday.


I consider my weekend a success even though I came home empty-handed.


Oh, and I patterned my 28" SBE with a .675" H.S. Strut UnderTaker choke tube, 3.5" Remington Hevi-Shot 1-3/4 oz #5. Shooting at a turkey head printed on 8.5"x11" paper, it was a dead turkey at 25 and 40 yards no problem. That Hevi-shot sure makes a mess in the barrel...I've never seen so much gunk from shooting two shells of anything before.


Happy hunting/shooting,


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Got back last week from Nebraska and had a great weekend! Harvested my first 2 toms :D ever on consecutive mornings, and talked to many more. I used a Briley Extra Full (I think .693) on my SBE2. The Briley was alright, but never did find a pattern that I totally was happy with. I will probably switch to a Rhino .665 or the Briley Super Full .673 in my next patterning sessions. The XF was lethal under 35 in patterning, but both Toms were were 20 or less. (2nd was like 5!! :eek: ) Will get the pics uploaded later this week. Ditto on the Hevi-Shot mess!

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Originally posted by heavy4x4:

A week from today, I'll be in the woods, clad in camo, and toting my SBE...it's spring turkey season.


Who else is going out and when?


I'll be sure to share pictures if I am so lucky.


Actually, I just returned from my first all women turkey hunt in south-eastern Illinois. We hunted with a very professional, knowledgeable group of guides from River's Bend Trophy Outfitters in New Haven Illinois. (812) 483-4358.


At first I had no idea what I had gotten my self into. I was wondering if I could even "hack it"... which I was able to.


I brought with me a Benelli M2 in Realtree's Advantage Timber HD 12 gauge- 3 inch with a full choke. My clothing was also Realtree's Advantage Timber HD.


The first day we were up at 3:30 a.m. and out of the lodge by 4:10 a.m. (That is REAL early for me)


We drove to a place where a blind had been set up. It was pitch black and real quiet. We got into the blind and were sitting for 20 minutes... when out about 25 yards was a coyote at our decoys (looked to me like a big dog)... he sniffed a bit and left... As the woods came alive, we heard gobbling. My guide Joe Smith called and we got some answers... we sat somemore... no reply... so we moved out of the blind, into the field, up hills and into the woods. We sat at the base of a big tree and the guide called again. We heard gobbling... We sat there for quite some time... everything went quiet.... That was how it was for the rest of the first day...


2nd, 3rd and 4th days had many, many exciting moments of heart-pounding anticipation... sitting there at the ready... and then... quiet... OR big gobbler flies above our heads... OR a group of hens show up!


All in all I would say it was a wonderful experience... eventhough I did not harvest a turkey... the experience of the hunt was fabulous. I really surprised myself that I could do this and that I so thoroughly enjoyed myself.


Some of the animals we saw were albino deer, 2 bobcats, a coyote, an egrid (sp?) fox squirrels, racoon, snapping turtle, gray snake and a cow that had just given birth... Now... sitting here in my office... I would never have ever seen anything like this....


2 women in our group harvested 20 pound turkeys. Stephanie shot hers with a Benelli M2 and Lynn shot hers with a Beretta.


I would like to encourage all women to at least try a turkey hunt once. You may surprise yourself and enjoy it as much as I did. Ofcourse the guides you're with and the lodge you stay in, make all the difference in the total "experience" ... I think.


'Lil Yorkie


[ 05-25-2005, 01:50 PM: Message edited by: 'LilYorkie ]

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