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Choke tube advice


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Hi everyone new to the site. Looking for some advice on choke tubes. Are their any after market choke tubes that I can shoot steel through that people recommend? I am looking for a duck hunting choke tube to use for my SBE II for extended range. I am somewhat reluctant to buy one with out a little advice. I am not getting the kills that I want with the factory tubes. I have not had my gun long. Last year was the first season that I hunted with it and was not pleased with the amount of birds I was able to get. I realize probably a lot of that is due to operator error and getting used to the new gun. I also found a bulge in my barrel last year and had to send away for a new one. I do not have a lot of confidence in my benelli right now but I am trying hard not to give up on it yet. Any help would be great.

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Why dont you try patterning your chokes before you run off and spend a lot of money on choke tubes? Shoot the load you want to hunt with against paper or cardboard and see what the pattern looks like at 30 yards, then play with the different chokes you have. May be switch ammo brands? all not too hard to get the results you want.


If in the end none of that gives you the results you want try an aftermarket. I still shoot my factory chokes.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I am very satisfied with the factory chokes that come with the SBE II. Prior to purchase, I used the same Browning B80 for 20 years. When I bought the Benelli I was floored by the how well the gun threw shot. I shoot Winchester Super X 3 & 3.5" BB's and at times I feel like I'm shooting lead.

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I've patterned all my factory chokes as well as many aftermarket chokes for all of my shotguns.


I've found that I get much better patterns with certain aftermarket chokes. The longer aftermarket chokes offer me more even patterns with fewer open holes. I also like being able to change chokes by hand as I usually carry 2-3 different chokes on each hunt.


The Primos Dead Zone chokes, decoy & pass, seem to pattern very well in my SBE II.

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The Dead Zone chokes worked very well in my SBE II this year as well. I was dropping birds out to 35 yards shooting Federal speed shock and the Decoy choke. Pass shooting choke worked very well with BB's Federals for geese.


Federal 3's and 4's through the Decoy choke worked great for pheasants this year also.

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