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limbsaver Recoil Pad for Nova?


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I have both the recoil reducer and the limbsaver pad installed, but I'll warn you that it's a real pain to set it up. However, it does seem to make a difference for the magnum 3" and 3.5" shells. The problem is that the limbsaver pad gets screwed into place via a plastic insert that fits just inside the end of the stock. You'll need some needle nosed pliers and a lot of faith that the plastic insert will bend instead of crack. Once the limbsaver pad is installed it'll be such a pain to remove that you probably won't take out the recoil reducer for a while. I used to take it out when I was shooting light 2 3/4" loads to cut down on weight, but now I just suck it up cause taking out the limbsaver is a pain. They do work though, my wife can now shoot 3" slugs and still move her arm the next day :)

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I just successfully put a limb saver pad for a Benelli m1 on an M4 standard stock,,it took some hackin and whackin and a touch of linning up but its in and even and presentable,,,,limb savers are the way to go,,I got rid my recoil reducer for my m1 years ago. seeya,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ps. all my Benellis have limb savers,,the limb saver realy takes the bite out.

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Thanks everyone for responding. I will try the limbsaver. I have a recoil reducer in the stock as well as in the magazine tube. I found that adding the reducer in the tube balanced the gun out and made it feel easier to carry since it centered the weight. I probably don't need the limbsaver but I like customizing it as much as I can. Are there any other add ons or tricks to make the nova function better?

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I have a recoil reducer in the stock as well as in the magazine tube. I found that adding the reducer in the tube balanced the gun out and made it feel easier to carry since it centered the weight.


That's interesting cause I found that installing the heavy recoil reducer in the stock balanced the gun. I found the basic Nova to be too forward balanced. I do have a 28" barrel so maybe that pushed the balance off. To each their own as my grandmother always said :) Good luck with the limbsaver, I think it's definitely worth the money for shooting those crazy turky loads, speaking of which check out this video:



The anticipation is the funniest part!

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