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m4 with Turkey choke??


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Should be fine out to 40 yards or more as long as you hold steady. I recommend patterning a few rounds first. I wish I would have had mine last weekend rather than my SBE. I couldn't get my 26" barrel manuevered around the brush in front of me to get a shot. I had my friend shoot the Tom instead.

What kind of eotech are you running?

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A Benelli M4 makes about as perfect a Turkey Gun as you could possibly imagine. First of all, a shotgun developes all of it's velocity with modern ammo in 18" of barrel. Second, length of barrel is no factor in the pattern thrown by a shotgun. A turkey choke screwed into a M4 should pattern with a turkey choke screwed into any other length/brand of shotgun. Now, go out there and kill some damn gobblers.

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Be sure to examine and verify that the choke tube you choose does not protrude past the barrel choke entry.


Most Turkey chokes will be extended type chokes and they WILL stick out past the muzzle. That makes them easy to tighten and to install/remove. That's why you want a black one, so it doesn't reflect and scare the Turkey-plus it will match you gun. Normally, I wouldn't use an extended choke in an M4, but for a Turkey choke you want a long choke so the shot doesn't get deformed as it gets constricted down the choke. Turkey chokes are super tight and you don't want shot deformation to degrade your pattern.

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Most Turkey chokes will be extended type chokes and they WILL stick out past the muzzle.

Correct. But you will want to examine and verify that the choke tube you choose does not protrude past the barrel choke entry. The barrel choke entry is the recessed area inside the barrel opposite the choke threads. If your choke tube protrudes past the choke entry into the barrel, you will wind up with myriad of concerns.

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