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texas skeeter

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Everything posted by texas skeeter

  1. Hey Cleetus!! at this point forget about BH his loss. the rest of us paying customers have been patiently waiting!! now dont you have an m4 grenade launcher to get built or something??
  2. Hey K-fed, that sure is some Purdy metal you play with there!! now quit yer crying, it looks like you can afford them too!! value smalue!! if ya want it, ya got to pay!!
  3. now this is a funny pic Uno!! reminds me of a few people in dallas!!
  4. Agreed, but some of us here actually have well paying jobs and can afford them there K-Fed!! so we dont cry about the price.
  5. Hey what do you think you're doing?? oops, uh .....my bad!!
  6. well then obviously THEY WERE'NT WELL MADE GUNS!! all i was saying to the 1911 haters is, some of us actually own 100% reliable 1911's and shoot them with accuracy. and no one is saying you can't own your toy/plastic gun UNO!! and if anyone here would like to have a shooting competition with their 9mm plastic toy whatever/ my 1911, come on down and lets play for pink slips. ill even provide the ammo, food and drinks!! ^_^
  7. this is because you probably couldnt hit sh-t with them!! and it looks like obviously didnt know how to care for them as well!!
  8. well that depends on who is doing the shooting. i can shoot circles with my .45ACP 1911 around my friends and their plastic Toys-R-Us 9mm guns!!
  9. i dont know much about the .40sw,and why would you want to have to shoot twice with 9mm?? ill take my kimber .45 1911!! and it shoots reliable 100% of the time!!
  10. so lets see... AZ. likes its own gun laws and AZ. likes its new immigration law, so who exactly wants the guns gone/banned????? so you're saying Jan Brewer will give up some gun rights for her state after the feds do their job and get rid of all the ILLEGAL ALIENS there??? thats the trade off?? I think not there lil buddy!! sounds more like what YOUR CRAZY STATE CRAZIFORNIA would do!!
  11. hey there "Salesman of the Year", the O.P.'s price is lower than yours!! And, this is His thread!!
  12. Hey Koalabear, your Icons never cease to put a smile on my face!!
  13. why do you gotta make fun of my side saddle??
  14. free part from Carrier Comp?? Nahhhh, that guy makes nothing but cr-p!! but what do i know? i just got a smokin tube from Kip!!
  15. i always love when someone stomps on someone else's post trying to talk other members out of buying said item!!! AND the info above, IS JUST PLAIN INCORRECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mesa Tactical WILL NOT have a c-stock out ANY TIME SOON!!!! even if ever!!
  16. hey K-FED, at least with the last Administration they knew what they were doing and it was Never this slow!! and i dont think of this long waiting as "sheer numbers or fear factor", its due to LACK OF JOB PROFICIENCY!! They havent done ANYTHING right or in a timely manner since they took over!! why start now?? just sayin....
  17. UM, The OBUMMER ADMINISTRATION SUCKS and is slower than sh-t!!!!!!!!!! most people buying and selling full auto weapons say this is the "worst time waiting:" to get approved in a long time!!!! my seller still hasnt received his release letter to ship it to my dealer. THEN at least 2 more months im guessing!!
  18. Um, they look like all the other ones posted here!!
  19. Sorry to hear about your losses there Cleefurd!!!!!!!!!
  20. i agree with Uno on this one! and i always figured B.A. to be a beligerant drunk while posting at night! thus all the fighting and name calling..
  21. Yes my lil Hooker!! and no more cheesey ext. for me any more. my 5 rd Carrier Comp tube from Kip came in. who's your daddy now Beeeeeeeeeach?!!
  22. YEAH!! now where's that grenade launcher for my m1014 you said you were gonna build for me??
  23. you couldnt get close enough to my m1 abrams!!
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