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Posts posted by ROCKETW19

  1. The reason why people jump out at people who try to sell things at a higher price than normal is because they are trying to prevent other forum members who may not be educated on what the going price for an item is. They are merely expressing their opinions in the manner that they see fit. Their outrage may even be based on having made poor decisions and buying something at a high price. Don't get all bent out of shape if you're called out, good luck to your sales but expect that there will be people who disagree with you.


    Just as you are entitled to attempt to sell things at a high price, people are entitled to voice their opinions as consumers or potential consumers. The way you feel regarding someone's actions over the internet is entirely up to you. Everything from your emotions to your response is completely your own responsibility. This is an internet forums where people are going to express their opinions. Just because someone disagrees with you doesn't mean they're lonely or boring or have nothing else to do but monitor forums. Just as digging up dead threads for some type of support would also not be due to being lonely, boring, or spiteful. Right?

    oh damn well said

  2. Yeah, my pitbull will want to play with whoever breaks in and leave with them!:o

    LOL, mine also. she will bark up a storm untill you get with in petting range then the tail waggs and she wants nothing but love. She is a pet ***** for sure


    Given people that pay the high prices are just as much to blame I really hope those that bought these up didn't do so with $$$ on the mind.

    You know damn well they did. some here bought 2 or maybe even more and left some of us out. Now they will try and sell it to make a dollar,lol get a job.

    The OP of the link could of bought them all and sold for more but he was hooking us up then some got hit with the greed bug.

  4. Not in a MILLION years would I have thought I'd ever need something that I bought something to replace it with. Factoy tube? What the **** should I keep this for? Now i know. Spring too. What's even better is I did it for two guns. Please get the flogging over with quick, i want to be on this forum for a while.

    Call kip at CC I do belive he can make you a TI one.

  5. Um WRONG!!!! there Rocket. actually there ARE some better "GUN FRIENDLY" States to live in!!;) i lived in Kangafornia for 40 yrs and still wonder why it took so long to finally leave!!:D i can say this now, TEXAS ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!! and you can have "MEXIFORNIA"!!

    Not talkin gun laws talking just reg living. weather, stuff to do we have everthing right here with the most important thing of all weather. No offence but i have been to texas many many times you can buy a big giant house for 500K but your weather completly sucks ass I wouldnt live there if house cost 100K not worth it IMO.

  6. Currently, mine says billing info received and has the ship date and destination. IIRC, it means that it has been scanned into the system by the driver. I will check again later tonight and if all is well, it should have transit info.

    sounds good to me. I am sure everone used credit or atm card? you can always dispute the charge if something happens the CC company will take care of it. ( I HOPE )

    also texas skeeter ordered a 14" barrel from them and got it zero problems so a 225dollar stock should be cake.

  7. Ditto. Now if I could just find a vest that stows 5 Beta Mags.

    LOL, I am a big strong guy that is in very good shape that always laughs when people complain about the gun is to heavy, but damn 5 beta mags has got me thinkin that might just be to heavy,lol.

  8. Um, ya missed some items. mag tube-200$, B&T quad rail 300$, any sort of good optic 400$, sling and attachments 150$, any good flashlight and QD mount 300$, mepro night sights 90$, and a mesa shell holder 85$, tax stamp 200$, C-3 dealer fee 100$ and last but not least a pelican hard case for it 185$. new total 5010$ Holy lets rob a bank Batman!!:D

    :eek: damn I should post this on the cal-guns board you would get a laugh at all the remmy870 and mossy500 guys

    not sure if they would get mad cuzz your gun is worth more than their car or they just like to hate?

  9. Um Nope!! sorry Rocket i cant, as i ONLY have a 2 position tube on there and im waiting on a 3 position tube to come in. the pics are of the stock in the middle position. and not to mention i took the 14" off and put it away away until my SBSG approval comes back.:D

    I figured that was your buddys gun that has his tax stamp anyways.:D


    let me do some math real fast my M4 $1400 add $600 Cstock add another $1000 for 14" thats a $3000 dollar shotgun, holly ****

  10. I've looked at doing it before and gave up. It looks like a pain in the ass. but thats another thread. anyone interested?

    sorry bro wasnt trying to hijack just curious.


    free bump at least,lol

  11. come on Rocket you know why, CRAZIFORNIA sucks to ship to with all the extra NAZI paperwork!!;)

    I honestly didnt know there was extra paperwork. I have bought a few guns outt state no one said anything about paperwork to me.

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