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WTB M4 with Ti tube


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Who's kip azzhole? Whoever he is i'll bet your going to get big browny points for putting him up on that pedestal.You guys are so funny. What community are you in that he's helping make a better place ? Wow you seriously need a women. W O W I actually really feel bad for ya now that i read that comment about you and kip and bettering communities...LOL Ok , i understand why rigid tubes are so important to you. "full length" I'll bet you have the capacity it takes for kip's tube. Not that theres anything wrong with that. They say it's not a choice but your born like that. Just that I don't go that way.


Do you hear yourself ? What a sorry bunch. You guys must think your clever and witty... If you were you would'nt be wasting your time talking to me. This gun is a tool ,not my life. Just step away from the keyboard, wash the *** off your hands, delete all the gay Kip porn and get a life...LOL

Now I understand.

Take care ,youll be ok ,just don't come around where i live. We don't appreciate that kinda stuff.


Man-child, does your daddy know that you are using his computer when he is away from his desk? As to the empty implied threat about "coming around where you live", that one cracked me up.


Yes, the M4 is a tool, and I figured since you and it had at least that in common, you might know more about the platform and how your 2-piece setup was just a "patch".


On another note, your fixation with phallic images and homosexuality is disturbing. To us anyways. To you, I am sure it is just a normal part of your daily life to picture a giant phallus whenever you see something long and cylindrical. When you think of other men, homosexual thoughts probably come just as naturally as breathing to you as well. At any rate, please refrain from telling us every sordid little detail that pops into that teenage mind of yours.

Edited by Unobtanium
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"it's disturbing ,to us anyways" anyways? anyway(s)? Hey Einstein , Hey upthebuttium ,I can tell your type from the second word you posted. Your a JO...

Why you bringin other people into your fight? Leave kip out of it. Whoever he is. . . JMO ,but I think your a faget. You sound like a faget. Uniform or no uniform. I wore a uniform for years and you don't hear me involving others. I'm talkin ta you.

It would take me 5 seconds to straighten you out. Forget about it. LOL Ita be better than the ufc.

This is how we talk up north. You don't like it , Go f*** yourself.

Now look , I got no use for this site. Thats the only reason i find myself disrespecting it like this. For that and to it i apologize. Plus ,beside you ,there are no women folk here to read the dirty language. So to you my Limp wristed friend, To you i say F*** your mother.

I'm gone. If your ever on Mahattan Island look me up. Foget abot it.

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"it's disturbing ,to us anyways" anyways? anyway(s)? Hey Einstein , Hey upthebuttium ,I can tell your type from the second word you posted. Your a JO...

Why you bringin other people into your fight? Leave kip out of it. Whoever he is. . . JMO ,but I think your a faget. You sound like a faget. Uniform or no uniform. I wore a uniform for years and you don't hear me involving others. I'm talkin ta you.

It would take me 5 seconds to straighten you out. Forget about it. LOL Ita be better than the ufc.

This is how we talk up north. You don't like it , Go f*** yourself.

Now look , I got no use for this site. Thats the only reason i find myself disrespecting it like this. For that and to it i apologize. Plus ,beside you ,there are no women folk here to read the dirty language. So to you my Limp wristed friend, To you i say F*** your mother.

I'm gone. If your ever on Mahattan Island look me up. Foget abot it.


Sorry, I am not a product of an education system that taught ebonics. The only people who talk that way "up north" tend to be trash living in the inner-city areas sleeping in caste iron bath tubs hoping some dealer doesn't perforate their "crib" that night with his Tec-9.


Of course you have no respect for this site. People like you don't have respect for their OWN sh!t, much less someone else's. You aren't disrespecting it because you have a problem with it or lack of use, per se, you disrespect it because you normally behave this way and don't know any other.


I don't give a damn about your uniform or the fact that you wore one.


Why yes, I think it would be better than UFC! Perhapse if you lived closer we could sell tickets? I am always down to make easy money. I would make sure your humiliation didn't take a full 5 minutes though.


Is the best insult you have calling someone gay? Really? I stopped calling people gay as an insult when I graduated from middle-school.


and no, you aren't gone, you will have to reply to this because that is what a man-child just has to do. You can't help yourself.

Edited by Unobtanium
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"it's disturbing ,to us anyways" anyways? anyway(s)? Hey Einstein , Hey upthebuttium ,I can tell your type from the second word you posted. Your a JO...

Why you bringin other people into your fight? Leave kip out of it. Whoever he is. . . JMO ,but I think your a faget. You sound like a faget. Uniform or no uniform. I wore a uniform for years and you don't hear me involving others. I'm talkin ta you.

It would take me 5 seconds to straighten you out. Forget about it. LOL Ita be better than the ufc.

This is how we talk up north. You don't like it , Go f*** yourself.

Now look , I got no use for this site. Thats the only reason i find myself disrespecting it like this. For that and to it i apologize. Plus ,beside you ,there are no women folk here to read the dirty language. So to you my Limp wristed friend, To you i say F*** your mother.

I'm gone. If your ever on Mahattan Island look me up. Foget abot it.


I also live in NY, and I can say with 100% certainty that not everyone here talks/writes at a second grade level like you do.


Stop making my state look bad, you fat worthless long island piece of ghetto trash.



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*The word I used was "uninformed", for those among us who are illiterate, the definition of that word can be found here www.dictionary.com. If you can't spell it, just highlight it with your cursor, press CTRL+C, and then click your mouse once in the little box with "search" beside it, press "CTRL+V" and then press "enter". It should do the rest for you.


Does the use of large words threaten some people? Perhaps it does! I can understand your feelings, and maybe even empathize with your confusion involving things you don't understand. However, I cannot tolerate your fetal demise of a post going unanswered.


*The first clue I have that someone isn't rolling with a full deck is when they go out of their way to inform me that they are.


*Yeah, if you don't want to sell something, it's generally a good idea not to try to sell it. You got a valid point there!



Sorry Unobtanium but I feel really threatened by your predilection for sesquipedalian words. As a service to other forum members I took the liberty of running one of your previous posts (quoted above) through the "Red Neck" dialectizer found at http://rinkworks.com/dialect/


This is how your post would read if you had a lower "tooth to head" ratio.


*Th' wo'd ah used was "uninfo'med", fo' them among us who is illiterate, th' definishun of thet wo'd kin be foun' hyar www.dickshunary.com, dawgone it. Eff'n yo' kin't spell it, jest highlight it witcher curso', press CTRL+C, an' then click yer mouse once in th' li'l box wif "search" beside it, press "CTRL+V" an' then press "enter". It sh'd does th' ress fo' yo'.


*Does th' use of large wo'ds thrett up some varmints? Perhaps it does! ah can unnerstan' yer feelin's, an' mebbe even empathize witcher cornfushun involvin' thin's yo' doesn't unnerstan'. Howevah, ah cannot tolerate yer fetal demise of a post gwine unanswered, cuss it all t' tarnation.


*Th' fust clue ah have thet someone ain't rollin' wif a full deck is when they hoof it outta their way t'info'm me thet they are.


*Yeah, eff'n yo' doesn't be hankerin' t'sell sumpin, it's junerally a fine idea not t'try t'sell it. Yo' got a valid point thar! Fry mah hide!

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Moron Version (Lowest Tooth to Head Ratio):


*De word I usid was "unf'med", f' dose among us who are illitehate, uh uh uh, the, uhhh, definishun of dat word can be found hehe http://www.dicshun.com. If you can't spell it, uh, dgust highlite it wid your cursor, press CTRL+C, 'n den click your mouse oss in de little box wid "search" beside it, uh, press "CTRL+B" 'n den press "enteh". DOIHH!It shudd do de rest f' you. Does de use of large words dreaten some peoble, duh...uh...? Pehhaps it does! Huh huh! I can undehstand your feeliggs, duuhhhh, 'n maybe eben empadize wid your confushun inbolbigg diggs you don't undehstand. DOIHH!Duh, howebeh, I cannot tolehate your fetal demise of a post goigg unanswebuhred. *De firss clue I habe dat someone isn't rolligg wid a full deck is when dey go out of deir way t' inf'm me dat dey are. *Yeah, if you don't want t' sell somedigg, it's genehal a good idea not t' try t' sell it. Duh, you got a balid poit dehe! Huh huh!


Cockney Version:


*The word I used were "uninformed", for them among us 'oo are illiterate, the bleedin' definition of that word can be found 'ere http://www.dictionary.com. If yer can't spell it, just 'ighlight it wiv yor cursor, press CTRL+C, and then click yor Doll's 'Ouse once in the bloody wee box wiv "search" beside it, press "CTRL+V" and then press "enter". It should do the rest for yer. Does the bloomin' use of large words freaten some blokes, then? Peraps it does! I can understand yor feelings, and maybe even empaffize wiv yor confusion involvin' fings yer don't understand. However, I cannot tolerate yor fetal demise of a post gahn unanswered. *The first clue I 'ave that some bloke ain't rollin' wiv a full deck is wen they go out of their way ter inform me that they are. Cor blimey guv! *Yeah, if yer don't want ter sell sumfink, it's generally a good idea not ter try ter sell it. Yer got a valid point there! Blimey!

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Moron Version (Lowest Tooth to Head Ratio):


*De word I usid was "unf'med", f' dose among us who are illitehate, uh uh uh, the, uhhh, definishun of dat word can be found hehe www.dicshun.com. If you can't spell it, uh, dgust highlite it wid your cursor, press CTRL+C, 'n den click your mouse oss in de little box wid "search" beside it, uh, press "CTRL+B" 'n den press "enteh". DOIHH!It shudd do de rest f' you. Does de use of large words dreaten some peoble, duh...uh...? Pehhaps it does! Huh huh! I can undehstand your feeliggs, duuhhhh, 'n maybe eben empadize wid your confushun inbolbigg diggs you don't undehstand. DOIHH!Duh, howebeh, I cannot tolehate your fetal demise of a post goigg unanswebuhred. *De firss clue I habe dat someone isn't rolligg wid a full deck is when dey go out of deir way t' inf'm me dat dey are. *Yeah, if you don't want t' sell somedigg, it's genehal a good idea not t' try t' sell it. Duh, you got a balid poit dehe! Huh huh!


Cockney Version:


*The word I used were "uninformed", for them among us 'oo are illiterate, the bleedin' definition of that word can be found 'ere www.dictionary.com. If yer can't spell it, just 'ighlight it wiv yor cursor, press CTRL+C, and then click yor Doll's 'Ouse once in the bloody wee box wiv "search" beside it, press "CTRL+V" and then press "enter". It should do the rest for yer. Does the bloomin' use of large words freaten some blokes, then? Peraps it does! I can understand yor feelings, and maybe even empaffize wiv yor confusion involvin' fings yer don't understand. However, I cannot tolerate yor fetal demise of a post gahn unanswered. *The first clue I 'ave that some bloke ain't rollin' wiv a full deck is wen they go out of their way ter inform me that they are. Cor blimey guv! *Yeah, if yer don't want ter sell sumfink, it's generally a good idea not ter try ter sell it. Yer got a valid point there! Blimey!




huge fan of the cockney version!

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Bklyn stupid. 11222... You must know that everything you called me I'm proud of. I want you to really know that. If I came across in such a way as to have you girls think that I am the things you say I am ,Then i have won and I'm happy to convey that message.


The only reason this thread don't get locked is because i spit a breath of life into this site.

BTW ,You wish you could be a NYC Italian. Just like everybody wishes they were yankee fans deep down inside.We know everyone hates "the best" in everything. The thing about NY'ers is We Don't Care. Plus 6 outa every 10 people in the country have roots in NYC. Not NY Duggan, you stupid , filthy, mick, lowlife etc.

NYC. real New Yorker's don't consider buffalo ny.Or wherever the **** a drunken ,mick ,alchy like you crawls around .

So look ,have a good life.This **** could go on and on and i'll have no more of it because you ******** rub me the wrong way.Just like the civil war went on and on but we won that to. I have no real hate for anybody. I just don't have the time for this.

Before i delete this site because it really is boaring , just wanna say ,have your mamma make your boyfriend smile for the camera next time Duggan. Stop trying to sound smart with idiotic words that sound artificial Upthebuttium. Be the stupid geep that you really are. BTW , I think less of myself for ever having become involved in this ****. Get a life and or a women and you'll be ok.

Edited by mikeyfour
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Bklyn stupid. 11222... You must know that everything you called me I'm proud of. I want you to really know that. If I came across in such a way as to have you girls think that I am the things you say I am ,Then i have won and I'm happy to convey that message.


The only reason this thread don't get locked is because i spit a breath of life into this site.

BTW ,You wish you could be a NYC Italian. Just like everybody wishes they were yankee fans deep down inside.We know everyone hates "the best" in everything. The thing about NY'ers is We Don't Care. Plus 6 outa every 10 people in the country have roots in NYC. Not NY Duggan, you stupid , filthy, mick, lowlife etc.

NYC. real New Yorker's don't consider buffalo ny.Or wherever the **** a drunken ,mick ,alchy like you crawls around .

So look ,have a good life.This **** could go on and on and i'll have no more of it because you ******** rub me the wrong way.Just like the civil war went on and on but we won that to. I have no real hate for anybody. I just don't have the time for this.

Before i delete this site because it really is boaring , just wanna say ,have your mamma make your boyfriend smile for the camera next time Duggan. Stop trying to sound smart with idiotic words that sound artificial Upthebuttium. Be the stupid geep that you really are. BTW , I think less of myself for ever having become involved in this ****. Get a life and or a women and you'll be ok.


It would simply be too easy to make fun of you any further.


Enjoy bagging my groceries.

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