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FS: New Benelli M4 Collapsible Stock


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Thats like saying all M4's look the same and as of late that is anything but the truth. The most recent batch of M4's recievers are a color I have come to expect on a cheap AK knockoff.






I also noticed a large difference between the finish on the receiver of my M4 and a new one at the local shop. Mine is a lot "blacker" My M4s finish is very much the same as the finish of my M1S90.


Hookster :)

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who's this "we" you speak of? UNO and i are still waiting to see the pics of the busted up benelli anodizing machine.:D

Any M4 that was built withing the last batch has a off colored reciever I have seen four so far at four different locations and all were seperated by 100+ miles. It's kinda like the batch that used CD coded recievers with CA coded barrels.

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