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CMM bolt release for benelli's any good??

texas skeeter

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11988720590401180365977.jpeganyone have any info on these cmm bolt releases from tactical shotgunner?? selling for 59$ 1/2 the price of the other brand. im thinking of getting one ,are they any good?? TS

I bought one (for my M-3) from The Tactical Shotgunner last summer when I went up there on vacation. I couldn't see any difference between the GG&G and this one, except the price. It fits and functions perfectly. For 1/2 the price.

Hopes this helps.

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and are they that hard to install??

Easy, just drift out the pivot pin of the original, and use a thin punch, or heavy paperclip to align everything as you replace the OEM pivot pin.

The "pad" is actually mounted on what appears to be a "modified" OEM Benelli part. (Instructions are included with the new parts).

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Be sure to pay attention to where the spring is under the bolt release before you remove the factory one. The spring doesn't really have a spot it rests in that is obvious. Matter of fact, my two M4's have been in a different location from the factory.


It looks to be a factory release that they drilled and tapped for the screw that retains the pad. Same design as the GG&G. Much less aggressive though. Saves them soft Texas fingers from harm. ;)

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Be sure to pay attention to where the spring is under the bolt release before you remove the factory one. The spring doesn't really have a spot it rests in that is obvious. Matter of fact, my two M4's have been in a different location from the factory.


It looks to be a factory release that they drilled and tapped for the screw that retains the pad. Same design as the GG&G. Much less aggressive though. Saves them soft Texas fingers from harm. ;)


I'd feel extra warm and fuzzy about it if they are using an OEM release



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Both appear to. It comes down to which style you prefer. If I was buying again, I would get this model since the serrations are less aggressive around the edges.


Be advised, these addons will mar the finish on your weapon. The pad will rub against the receiver. The rub will be under the pad. So if you decide to remove this item later, it will have some finish wear present.


The bolt release is significantly easier to hit with the enlarged pad. In respect to training, I advise you try not to run the weapon out of shells. If you're not firing, you should be topping off whenever possible.

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ok. btw what did you mean with that:

"In respect to training, I advise you try not to run the weapon out of shells. If you're not firing, you should be topping off whenever possible."?


€: just a theoretical question: would a normal gunsmith be able to renew the finish of the M4, i mean with the same coating like the factory finish? or does benelli do something very special to the M4?

Edited by xamoel
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It's easier to load shells into the magazine tube then to run the weapon out of shells, then have to either drop a shell into the ejection port to load from a locked back bolt, or load into the tube, then press the shell drop lever. Then the bolt release button.


If you're simply doing firing strings, and you keep topping off the magazine tube before you run out, you won't run into a situation where you have to go through this loading process.


A gunsmith refinish it. I have a bottle of AlumaBlack that I got from Brownells. Every once in a while, I use it on my aluminum guns and cover up some of the wear marks.

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Looks like regular Type 3 anodizing to me. There surely isn't a teflon finish or anything like that. I'm actually considering a functional refinish. NP3 the internals and teflon black on the outside.


The NP3 is basically a nickel finish with teflon in it. It's a **** of a lot easier to clean, and the surfaces are self lubricating. I'm hoping to speed up the cyclic action of the weapon in doing so.

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