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New supernova question???


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I am new to the website. I just purchased a new Supernova 24 inch black synthetic for turkey hunting. When unpackaging the gun I noticed that there was a rust colored compound all over the barrel. I figure it was some sort of rust preventative for long term storage that Benelli applies. After removing this compound the best that I could I noticed that the barrel doesn't seem to be a true black color but a brownish black. Anybody else notice this on their new guns? Is there something special required to remove this brownish compound? The oil I applied to remove this soaked in immediately. Is this normal or could I have a defective coating/finish on the barrel. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks a lot.

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Benelli uses synethic 5W-30 motor oil as a preservative, that's what the rust coloring is. A good scrubbing with Hoppe's No 9 and a terry cloth towel will remove it. You may have to do it a couple of times to fully remove it.


Many guns sit for years before being sold so factorys really slap on the preservative coatings to preserve them.

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I was able to remove all of the preservative with some Hoppes #9 that I had at home. I noticed that when I applied some gun oil to the exterior for rust prevention it soaked in or evaporated within a few seconds. Is this normal? Is it the type of coating that's on there? Any recommendations for a lubricant/ protectant for the barrel that's safe for the exterior and won't harm the finish?


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