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M2 safe to leave one in the chamber??


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I want to be able to store my shot gun loaded with one the chamber for home defence is this safe? the way it is with my Glock.

my real question is. is the fireing pine under constant tension to where its just sitting under pressure. is there any internal saftys like on a Glock.??

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Your shotgun is NOTHING like a Glock in terms of how it functions, other than you pull the trigger and it goes bang. The hammer is what is under pressure when cocked and goes forward to hit the firing pin when the trigger is pulled. There is no internal drop-safety on most shotguns like there is on most handguns. It is generally not a good idea to keep a shell in the chamber of a shotgun that's just sitting around.

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Is it safe? YES! The hammer "spring" is the part being compressed all the time. Some say this will cause a "set" meaning it will be made shorter than if not constantly compressed and possibly made less powerful. Others say go for it...

Your choice...

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Mechanically it will not hurt your gun. You, on the other hand, are a different story.


As was mentioned shotguns lack the whizbang firing-pin lock that is commonly found on handguns. I know the safety on the M4s blocks the sear, but this is not good enough for me, and I don't know for certain that the M2 does as well.


I do not recommend keeping a shotgun "locked and cocked". I don't care how you look at it, there is a hammer under stress backed up to a shell ready to go BOOM.


A few nights ago I went for a walk in the woods. I promptly slipped on some mud and busted my hiney. Goggles, Beretta and Mossberg went EVERYWHERE. Accidents happen, and better safe than sorry.

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Just ghost load one in the carrier and keep the chamber closed. That's really the safest way to do it if you want it to be ready quickly.


Somebody comes, just pull the bolt handle back, and voila! You're ready to rock.

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