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Only 8 weeks for short shotgun from BATF


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I can't believe it. I sent in all the paperwork for a short-barrel M2 on Feb. 26th. They kicked the application back to me because I didn't fill out some form about shipping weapons out of state. Not sure what that was. Never seen it mentioned before. Maybe something that you need for a Form 1 only? Anyway, the letter said My application doesn't start until everything is in order. In other words, "back to the end of the line" But 2 weeks later It comes back all done. Took only about 8 weeks total.

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Short barrel shotguns are the only thing that my state (Indiana) doesn't allow. It's pretty bad that I can own machineguns, silencers, short barrel rifles, etc., but not one of those. I'm hoping to get that law changed very soon.


Congratulations on yours. Have fun with it!

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Originally posted by Duggan:

I don't beleive NY allows any class 3 weapons for civilian ownship ...


Is there a site that shows a breakdown by state? I know I can't possess silencers from that thing on AAC's site ...




But other things, I'm not sure. Doubtful though.

New York only allows AOW's and large-bore destructive devices. A short-barrel shotgun with a pistol grip is considered an AOW, so at least you can own one of those if you choose.
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Aha, look at that cute little hand shrapnel cannon.


So I'm allowed to have AOW's and LBDD's eh?


Kind of limits my options, as I don't think many things are classified as AOW besides some short shotguns.


And LBDD's ... I take it that consists only of flare guns and grenade laucher attachments, which are useless if I have no supply of grenades.




[ 04-29-2006, 07:29 PM: Message edited by: Duggan ]

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M4Madness, maybe your state only wants the wealthy to have the super cool stuff? The cheapest "specialty" type firearm BY FAR is a short barreled shotgun. Where as a machine gun will cost thousands. Even a crappy Mac 10 will cost you thousands. Suppresors are far cheaper but still more then a short barrel, esp., if you get a good one. Alot of gun laws leave one scratching there head. You can walk away w/ the most devestating close up hand held firearm there is (shotgun) in my state but a pistol takes 7-10 days. Save your reasoning "that you can't conceal.... blah blah blah. Tight gun laws screw law abiding citezens, and give criminals easy marks IMO.

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Originally posted by TRG-42:

M4Madness, maybe your state only wants the wealthy to have the super cool stuff? The cheapest "specialty" type firearm BY FAR is a short barreled shotgun. Where as a machine gun will cost thousands. Even a crappy Mac 10 will cost you thousands. Suppresors are far cheaper but still more then a short barrel, esp., if you get a good one.

Who knows what their reasoning is? What sucks is that I can have a short-barreled shotgun with a pistol grip, but no buttstock -- and the AOW would be a lot more concealable! I'd say that Indiana's short-barrel shotgun law probably dates back to the gangster era and John Dillinger. I'm currently working with a couple of state senators to try to get them legalized here.


Yeah, I know how the whole NFA scene can be very expensive, as I have an M16 and four top-performing suppressors in various calibers.

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