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Removing M4 Rear Sight


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The screw heads are located on the inside of the receiver.

Remove the trigger assembly and you'll see them.

Be aware that when I removed the rear sight on my first M4 back in 2016 the screws appeared to be somewhat swaged. If that's still the case you'll likely need new screws if you want to reinstall it at a later date.

Edited by Nocturnalnature
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The factory stakes those two screws which tends to cause the tip to break off when unscrewing them. Sometimes they’re salvageable. My guess is they have a arbor press of sorts with a fixture that holds the receiver. It then reforms the screws to act as method of keeping the screws from backing out on their own. 

When I have reinstalled the iron sights with new screws, they can removed without damage. You’ll want to use some kind of thread locker like blue Loctite. 

If you’re going to leave the rear off, put the screws back into the housing along with the lock washers to keep from losing them. 

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