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Axle bushing


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I’ve removed a bunch of these for refinishing jobs and tear downs. It’s not bad with the proper snap ring pliers. I buy Knipex which makes the task easy. A cheap pair of pliers will lead to swearing and possibly marring the receiver. 

Pull the axle pin out to the fully extended position. I like the angled Knipex 48 21 J11 pliers to get under the head of the pin. Removal is easy with good pliers. The pliers can only go in so deep into the ring.


Once the snap ring is removed from the receiver, it will be trapped on the axle pin. At this point a good tug will remove the axle pin from the receiver. 

Here is the orientation of the pin and the mounting hardware in order. 

Clean up the dirt and debris that is present in there receiver hole. Run a q-tip around the edge where the snap ring seats. 

Reinstallation starts with the spring. Press it flat into the receiver. 

Stage your snap ring and the washer onto the axle pin like shown. 

Now press the axle pin into the hole. Note the side of the spring the pin is on. Keep the washer and snap ring up out of the way while you work the pin past the spring leg. 

Now push the washer down over the spring. 


You might need a punch or pick to seat the washer flush. 

Use the same snap ring pliers to compress the snap ring and seat the ring up under the lip of the receiver. It doesn’t matter how the ring is orientated in the receiver. It will likely move around under recoils anyway. 

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