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226606.jpg 226608.jpg 226621.jpg 226623 Gunsmith=Pete or Bob,Saftey Harbor Fla-----1-727-796-5583,,,,,,,,,,,,Forum member FlameRed is too credit for this,, look him on the forum search,,, there is more info reference.OOOHHHHHHHHHH the cost is $155 for 2 extra positions,worth every cent for sure,excellent job,,,,,, :cool: M1014 :cool: 226612.jpg


[ 11-30-2004, 09:21 PM: Message edited by: M1014 ]

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Dang it , Stop Teasing !!!


M1014 - I hold You responsible for explaining to my wife , why i just bought a new gun ! :D


Can't wait to get my hands on it , and these ******s at the store told me to come in on friday for pick-up . Does anyone know where i can purchase a guard to mount atop of a barrel ??


Gm foods

Edited by phenom101
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Originally posted by phenom101:

Dang it , Stop Teasing !!!


M1014 - I hold You responsible for explaining to my wife , why i just bought a new gun ! :D


Can't wait to get my hands on it , and these ******s at the store told me to come in on friday for pick-up . Does anyone know where i can purchase a guard to mount atop of a barrel ??

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Originally posted by JChilders:

does anyone know if a ruling has been placed by ATF on the telescoping stock. The last I heard it was a no no as was the two round extension tube. Any inf would be great.

I'm still waiting on Benelli to make a public announcement before I modify mine. I faxed them the BATF letter that said you could NOT do the mods, but haven't heard anything back from Benelli yet. :(


Some people have the balls to do it anyway, but I'm not much of a risk-taker. smile.gif

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thats what lifes all about,,risk have to be taken,you will be waitng on that silly reply letter forever,come on grow a pair,look at one of my risk,I'm buddies with the camo guy birddog,got lucky on that risk,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,peace M4madnesssss smile.gif M1014 /w BIG BALLS------------ :D :D


[ 12-04-2004, 12:45 PM: Message edited by: M1014 ]

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Originally posted by M1014:

thats what lifes all about,,risk have to be taken,you will be waitng on that silly reply letter forever,come on grow a pair,look at one of my risk,I'm buddies with the camo guy birddog,got lucky on that risk,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,peace M4madnesssss smile.gif M1014 /w BIG BALLS------------ :D :D

I just don't have it in me. :( Maybe I'm afraid of losing my full-auto M16 and suppressed weapons, not to mention my freedom. A telescoping stock on my shotgun is not worth the potential loss of everything. But hey, I don't look down on you or others for doing it--to each his own. It's just not something I wish to do.
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