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Brand New SBE3 won't cycle 3.5


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Bought a new sbe3 to replace an aging sbe1, purchased 1/19 went out yesterday loaded a federal blackcloud 3.5 first one dropped in the chamber, 2 in the magazine pulled up fired and had a failure to extract. round coming out of the magazine was stuck partially in the magazine and wedged in between the trigger group. disassembled gun cleared it and figured, fluke.  Went to cycle and round coming out of the magazine get wedged between the magazine and trigger group. took a pocket knife and pushed back of the round up and it came free in the rear but front sill stuck partially in the magazine. So I changed shells thinking might be a overly long shell, Kent 3.5 tungsten, same issue, Switched to Winchester 3.5 same issue. At this point I am wondering WTF. Changed back to my SBE1 cycled and shot all this ammo without an issue. 


I am at a loss here is looks like the space between the magazine and trigger group is not allowing the round to fully exit the mag and get picked up by the feed ramp. I can duplicate and take pics if necessary 

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Could you clarify:  "round coming out of the magazine was stuck partially in the magazine".  


Is your Carrier Latch not allowing the shells release from the magazine completely?  Here are two photo's looking down a magazine tube:  One photo shows a Carrier Latch that is out of adjustment, putting too much pressure on shells coming out of magazine, the other photo is properly adjusted Carrier Latch.

Did you have your OEM bolt handle?  Some asftermarket bolt handles are cut incorrectl, either making contact with the reciever or slidding through the bolt handle dent.  I have seen this far too many times.

I would also get a box of 2 3/4" 3 Dram 1 1/8 oz ammo.


Are you shootting BB"s - if so many of these have OD greater than Benelli ID bore.  Attached.



Please reach out by PM if you need additional assistance.



Carrier Latch Extended_Bent.png

Carrier Latch OEM Position.png

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I will experiment with some 3.5" ammo, and report back.

Three possibilities:

Carrier latch as previously descibed

Shot shell overall length, if possible check this with other brands

Carrier could be bent, not allowing the shell to move to the correct position



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22 hours ago, misslebait said:

Bought a new sbe3 to replace an aging sbe1, purchased 1/19 went out yesterday loaded a federal blackcloud 3.5 first one dropped in the chamber, 2 in the magazine pulled up fired and had a failure to extract. round coming out of the magazine was stuck partially in the magazine and wedged in between the trigger group. disassembled gun cleared it and figured, fluke.  Went to cycle and round coming out of the magazine get wedged between the magazine and trigger group. took a pocket knife and pushed back of the round up and it came free in the rear but front sill stuck partially in the magazine. So I changed shells thinking might be a overly long shell, Kent 3.5 tungsten, same issue, Switched to Winchester 3.5 same issue. At this point I am wondering WTF. Changed back to my SBE1 cycled and shot all this ammo without an issue. 


I am at a loss here is looks like the space between the magazine and trigger group is not allowing the round to fully exit the mag and get picked up by the feed ramp. I can duplicate and take pics if necessary 


Which model # SBE3 do you have?

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Great insight Steve:  Is it a 2 piece Barrel/Reciever or  1 Piece Barrel in which the barrel and portion of the barrel that covers the reciever is 1 piece, see photo of SBE 3.5"


The SBE 3" is a two piece design meaning the portion that covers the reciever is aloy.  

A note for Steve: the newest models SBE 3 3":  coming from Italy have two taped hole near the rear of the aloy portion of the reciever.


If you have a 2 piece reciever your gun is a 3" gun.

Please reach out if you may need assistance, via PM.



Berrel Chamber.JPG

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@remarkable     You knew where I was going with the model # question.😉


Why Benelli choose to make a 3” AND a 3.5” SBE3 when they already have a 3” M2 is something I don't understand ...but I've been tinkering with Italian shotguns long enough to know they do what they want to do and tell us Americans we will like it.

Edited by Steve Rose
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So looking at my box and the paperwork inside my gun, all the paperwork I have shows that this gun is a 3 1/2, but looking at the serial number compared to the serial number on the box. They are different. I just contacted the dealer and he has a 3 1/2 inch in a 3 inch box there. Thank you for all your insight. I need to pay more attention I guess to what I’m buying but all the paperwork I have indicated that this gun was a 3 1/2. 

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